Archive for the Category 'groovy'

This Week in Grails (2012-44)

Thursday, November 08th, 2012

The big news of this week was the Grails 2.2 RC2 release. Please try out RC2 soon and help us to find issues before the GA release.

The Grails48 hackathon is this weekend, Nov 9-11th, 2012.

Mr Haki wrote a book: Gradle Effective Implementation Guide.

A couple of videos from GR8Conf US were released this week: Ken Kousen’s log.rofl(‘Fun with Groovy metaprogramming’) and Rob Fletcher’s Grails Fields plugin

The 2012 Groovy & Grails Exchange is coming up soon – only one month away. I’ll be doing two talks and am really looking forward to it; the conference is one of the best and London is a cool city.

The Greach site has been updated for the 2013 conference in January. Get your tickets now for 90€ until November 30th when the prices go up, and if you have an idea for a talk send it in – the call for papers is still open.

I did a blog post this week: Grails SQL Logging part 2 – groovy.sql.Sql.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There was one new plugin released:

  • modules-manager version 0.2.1. Creates resources modules using packaged resources from Maven central repository

and 15 updated plugins:

  • address version 0.2. An address domain object that can be embedded in other domain object to save redefining it all the time
  • airbrake version 0.9.0. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • cache version 1.0.1. Adds controller action, service method, and JSP fragment caching
  • database-migration version 1.2. Official Grails plugin for database migrations
  • external-config-reload version 1.2.2. Polls for changes to external configuration files (files added to grails.config.locations), reloads the configuration when a change has occurred, and notifies specified plugins by firing the onConfigChange event in each
  • facebook-sdk version 0.4.3. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • fixtures version 1.2. Load test data via a convenient DSL
  • html5-mobile-scaffolding version 0.4. Scaffolds HTML5 mobile application using jQuery mobile in a single page
  • jsonp version 0.2. Override render method defined for all controller to add parameter callback function name to provide cross domain JSONP RESTful controllers
  • kickstart-with-bootstrap version 0.8.6. Start your project with a good looking frontend, with adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter Bootstrap
  • neo4j version 1.0.0.M4. GORM for Neo4j
  • newrelic version 0.4. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • spock version 0.7. Brings the power of the Spock testing and specification framework to Grails
  • spring-security-saml version 1.0.0.M17. SAML 2.x support for the Spring Security Plugin
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.2.1. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files

Interesting Tweets

User groups and Conferences

Grails SQL Logging part 2 – groovy.sql.Sql

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

I discussed options for logging Hibernate-generated SQL in an earlier post but today I was trying to figure out how to see the SQL from groovy.sql.Sql and didn’t have much luck at first. The core problem is that the Sql class uses a java.util.logging.Logger (JUL) while the rest of the world uses a Log4j logger (often with a Commons Logging or SLF4J wrapper). I assumed that since I am using the Grails support for JUL -> Log4j bridging (enabled with the grails.logging.jul.usebridge = true setting in Config.groovy) that all I needed to do was add the class name to my log4j DSL block:

log4j = {
   error 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails',
   debug 'groovy.sql.Sql'

but that didn’t work. Some googling led to this mailing list discussion which has a solution involving a custom java.util.logging.Handler to pipe JUL log messages for the 'groovy.sql.Sql' logger to Log4j. That seemed like overkill to me since theoretically that’s exactly what grails.logging.jul.usebridge = true already does. I realized I had no idea how the bridging worked, so I started looking at the implementation of this feature.

It turns out that this is handled by the Grails “logging” plugin (org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.log4j.LoggingGrailsPlugin) which calls org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler.install(). This essentially registers a listener that receives every JUL log message and pipes it to the corresponding SLF4J logger (typically wrapping a Log4j logger) with a sensible mapping of the different log levels (e.g. FINEST -> TRACE, FINER -> DEBUG, etc.)

So what’s the problem then? While grails.logging.jul.usebridge = true does configure message routing, it doesn’t apply level settings from the log4j block to the corresponding JUL loggers. So although I set the level of 'groovy.sql.Sql' to debug, the JUL logger level is still at the default level (INFO). So all I need to do is programmatically set the logger’s level to DEBUG (or TRACE to see everything) once, e.g. in BootStrap.groovy

import groovy.sql.Sql
import java.util.logging.Level

class BootStrap {

   def init = { servletContext ->
      Sql.LOG.level = Level.FINE

This Week in Grails (2012-43)

Monday, October 29th, 2012

The Grails48 hackathon is coming up soon, Nov 9-11th, 2012. Follow @grails48 for more info. All of the cool kids will be there – will you?

The call for papers open for Greach 2.0 (Jan 25/26 2013, Madrid Spain) is open

I wrote a blog post this week: Autodiscovery of JPA-annotated domain classes in Grails

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were no new plugins released but 8 updated plugins:

  • bootstrap-crumbs version 1.0.1. Provide simple breadcrumb functionality using the twitter bootstrap library
  • burning-image version 0.5.1. Easily attach images to any domain class via an annotation. You can also configure the plugin to scale images and perform other operation
  • cxf version 1.0.6. Expose Grails services as SOAP web services via CXF
  • cxf-client version 1.4.7. Use existing (or new) Apache CXF wsdl2java generated content to invoke SOAP services
  • kickstart-with-bootstrap version 0.8.3. Start your project with a good looking frontend, with adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter Bootstrap
  • oauth version 2.1.0. Provides easy interaction with OAuth service providers
  • spring-security-taobao version 1.0.12. Integrates the Taobao Open API Authentication with the Spring Security Core plugin
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-beta5.2. Adds Vaadin ( integration

Interesting Tweets

User groups and Conferences

Autodiscovery of JPA-annotated domain classes in Grails

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

There are some issues to be fixed with the support for adding JPA annotations (for example @Entity) to Groovy classes in grails-app/domain in 2.0. This is due to the changes made to adding most GORM methods to the domain class bytecode with AST transformations instead of adding them to the metaclass at runtime with metaprogramming. There is a workaround – put the classes in src/groovy (or write them in Java and put them in src/java).

This adds a maintenance headache though because by being in grails-app/domain the classes are automatically discovered, but there’s no scanning of src/groovy or src/java for annotated classes so they must be explicitly listed in grails-app/conf/hibernate/hibernate.cfg.xml. We do support something similar with the ability to annotate Groovy and Java classes with Spring bean annotations like @Component and there is an optional property grails.spring.bean.packages in Config.groovy that can contain one or more packages names to search. We configure a Spring scanner that looks for annotated classes and automatically registers them as beans. So that’s what we need for JPA-annotated src/groovy and src/java classes.

It turns out that there is a Spring class that does this, org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean. It extends the standard SessionFactory factory bean class org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean and adds support for an explicit list of class names to use and also a list of packages to scan. Unfortunately the Grails factory bean class org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean also extends LocalSessionFactoryBean so if you configure your application to use AnnotationSessionFactoryBean you’ll lose a lot of important functionality from ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean. So here’s a subclass of ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean that borrows the useful annotation support from AnnotationSessionFactoryBean and can be used in a Grails application:

package com.burtbeckwith.grails.jpa;


import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean;
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.GrailsAnnotationConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware;
import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.CachingMetadataReaderFactory;
import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReader;
import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReaderFactory;
import org.springframework.core.type.filter.AnnotationTypeFilter;
import org.springframework.core.type.filter.TypeFilter;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;

 * Based on org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean.
 * @author Burt Beckwith
public class AnnotationConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean extends ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean implements ResourceLoaderAware {

   private static final String RESOURCE_PATTERN = "/**/*.class";

   private Class<?>[] annotatedClasses;
   private String[] annotatedPackages;
   private String[] packagesToScan;

   private TypeFilter[] entityTypeFilters = new TypeFilter[] {
         new AnnotationTypeFilter(Entity.class, false),
         new AnnotationTypeFilter(Embeddable.class, false),
         new AnnotationTypeFilter(MappedSuperclass.class, false),
         new AnnotationTypeFilter(org.hibernate.annotations.Entity.class, false)};

   private ResourcePatternResolver resourcePatternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();

   public AnnotationConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean() {

   public void setAnnotatedClasses(Class<?>[] annotatedClasses) {
      this.annotatedClasses = annotatedClasses;

   public void setAnnotatedPackages(String[] annotatedPackages) {
      this.annotatedPackages = annotatedPackages;

   public void setPackagesToScan(String[] packagesToScan) {
      this.packagesToScan = packagesToScan;

   public void setEntityTypeFilters(TypeFilter[] entityTypeFilters) {
      this.entityTypeFilters = entityTypeFilters;

   public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
      this.resourcePatternResolver = ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader);

   protected void postProcessMappings(Configuration config) throws HibernateException {
      GrailsAnnotationConfiguration annConfig = (GrailsAnnotationConfiguration)config;
      if (annotatedClasses != null) {
         for (Class<?> annotatedClass : annotatedClasses) {
      if (annotatedPackages != null) {
         for (String annotatedPackage : annotatedPackages) {

   protected void scanPackages(GrailsAnnotationConfiguration config) {
      if (packagesToScan == null) {

      try {
         for (String pkg : packagesToScan) {
            logger.debug("Scanning package '" + pkg + "'");
            String pattern = ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX +
                  ClassUtils.convertClassNameToResourcePath(pkg) + RESOURCE_PATTERN;
            Resource[] resources = resourcePatternResolver.getResources(pattern);
            MetadataReaderFactory readerFactory = new CachingMetadataReaderFactory(resourcePatternResolver);
            for (Resource resource : resources) {
               if (resource.isReadable()) {
                  MetadataReader reader = readerFactory.getMetadataReader(resource);
                  String className = reader.getClassMetadata().getClassName();
                  if (matchesFilter(reader, readerFactory)) {
                     logger.debug("Adding annotated class '" + className + "'");
      catch (IOException ex) {
         throw new MappingException("Failed to scan classpath for unlisted classes", ex);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
         throw new MappingException("Failed to load annotated classes from classpath", ex);

   private boolean matchesFilter(MetadataReader reader, MetadataReaderFactory readerFactory) throws IOException {
      if (entityTypeFilters != null) {
         for (TypeFilter filter : entityTypeFilters) {
            if (filter.match(reader, readerFactory)) {
               return true;
      return false;

You can replace the Grails SessionFactory bean in your application’s grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy by using the same name as the one Grails registers:

import com.burtbeckwith.grails.jpa.AnnotationConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean

beans = {
   sessionFactory(AnnotationConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean) { bean ->
      bean.parent = 'abstractSessionFactoryBeanConfig'
      packagesToScan = ['com.mycompany.myapp.entity']

Here I’ve listed one package name in the packagesToScan property but you can list as many as you want. You can also explicitly list classes with the annotatedClasses property. Note that this is for the “default” DataSource; if you’re using multiple datasources you will need to do this for each one.

So this means we can define this class in src/groovy/com/mycompany/myapp/entity/Person.groovy:

package com.mycompany.myapp.entity

import javax.persistence.Column
import javax.persistence.Entity
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue
import javax.persistence.Id
import javax.persistence.Version

class Person {

   @Id @GeneratedValue
   Long id

   Long version

   @Column(name='first', nullable=false)
   String firstName

   @Column(name='last', nullable=false)
   String lastName

   String initial

   @Column(nullable=false, unique=true, length=200)
   String email

It will be detected as a domain class and if you run the schema-export script the table DDL will be there in target/ddl.sql.

There are a few issues to be aware of however, mostly around constraints. You can’t define a constraints or mapping block in the class – they will be ignored. The mappings that you would have added just need to go in the annotations. For example I have overridden the default names for the firstName and lastName properties in the example above. But nullable=true is the default for JPA and it’s the opposite in Grails – properties are required by default. So while the annotations will affect the database schema, Grails doesn’t use the constraints from the annotations and you will get a validation error for this class if you fail to provide a value for the initial property.

You can address this by creating a constraints file in src/java; see the docs for more details. So in this case I would create src/java/com/mycompany/myapp/entity/PersonConstraints.groovy with a non-static constraints property, e.g.

constraints = {
   initial(nullable: true)
   email unique: true, length: 200)

This way the Grails constraints and the database constraints are in sync; without this I would be able to create an instance of the domain class that has an email with more than 200 characters and it would validate, but cause a database constraint exception when inserting the row.

This also has the benefit of letting you use the Grails constraints that don’t correspond to a JPA constraint such as email and blank.

This Week in Grails (2012-42)

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

The big news last week was SpringOne 2GX in Washington, DC. It was a lot of fun as usual, and apparently 300 of the over 1000 attendees were there for the Groovy and Grails content, so that’s a great indicator of interest in the technologies – perhaps in another few years we’ll be over 50% 🙂 There was as usual a lot of Twitter activity during the conference (search using the #sg2x hashtag):

Also check out Ryan Vanderwerf’s SpringOne2GX Wrap up. I’m sure there will be more like this in next week’s post too.

I did a blog post this week on Logging Hibernate SQL based on a question at one of my 2GX talks.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 4 new plugins released:

  • android-gcm version 0.2. Provides a service to easily access the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) services
  • app-forty-two-paas version 0.1. Develop engaging and connected Mobile, Web, Social, Enterprise and SaaS Apps using ShepHertz App42 PaaS Cloud and Backend as a Service Platform
  • cassandra-orm version 0.2.6. Provides GORM-like dynamic methods for persisting Groovy objects into Cassandra (but does not implement the GORM API)
  • wkhtmltopdf version 0.1.7. Provides a wrapper for wkhtmltopdf, a simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt

and 16 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.8.1. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • build-info-tag version 0.3.1. Puts a file in the generated WAR file and provides a GSP tag to display the information in it
  • cassandra-astyanax version 0.2.6. Exposes the Astyanax Cassandra client as a Grails service and adds dynamic methods
  • cors version 1.0.3. Installs a servlet filter to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other CORS related headers to enable cross site AJAX requests to your Grails application
  • ember-templates-precompiler version 0.2. Precompiles EmberJS powered Handlebars templates
  • functional-test-development version 0.9.3. Installs a script, develop-functional-tests, that you can use to develop your functional tests more conveniently
  • google-visualization version 0.5.6. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • gvps version 0.3. Host, manage and display video assets, and convert standard movie formats to the Flash movie format FLV
  • kickstart-with-bootstrap version 0.7.2. Start your project with a good looking frontend, with adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter Bootstrap
  • mysql-connectorj version MySQL Connector/J
  • neo4j version 1.0.0.M3. GORM for Neo4j
  • plastic-criteria version 0.4. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • platform-core version 1.0.M6.1. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • social-sharing version 1.0. Provides a tag library for inserting ‘Sexy Bookmarks’ into your application
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-beta5.1. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • webhook version Easily register and associate a webhook with services provided by individualized controllers

Interesting Tweets

User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2012-41)

Monday, October 15th, 2012

I didn’t have time to do a post last week since I was getting ready for SpringOne 2GX 2012 which will be this week. Should be another great conference this year, I’m sure there will be a lot of buzz on Twitter.

Groovy 2.0.5 was released this week.

Groovy project tech lead Jochen “blackdrag” Theodorou has published two blog posts this week, Owner, Delegate and (implicit) this in an Open Block and Open Blocks and MOP 2.

Be sure to vote for your favorite web framework in the InfoQ Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM poll.

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.1.0 were released this week.

Spock 0.7 was released this week. Looks like a lot of cool new features.

Check out this new Grails job site,

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 10 new plugins released:

  • app-forty-two-paas version 0.1. Develop engaging and connected Mobile, Web, Social, Enterprise and SaaS Apps using ShepHertz App42 PaaS Cloud and Backend as a Service Platform
  • backbonejs version Provides resources for Backbone.js
  • bruteforce-defender version 1.0. Adds functionality of blocking user account after a configured number of failed login, thus countering brute-force attacks
  • closure-compiler version 0.4. Compiles/optimizes your javascript resources with the Google Closure Compiler
  • ember-templates-precompiler version 0.1. Precompiles EmberJS powered Handlebars templates
  • foursquare version 0.1. Integrates the Foursquare APIs
  • glickr version 0.1. Integrates the Flickr API
  • gvps version 0.2. Host, manage and display video assets, and convert standard movie formats to the Flash movie format FLV
  • rabbitmq-tasks version 0.5.2. Run background tasks using RabbitMQ to queue them
  • webhook version Easily register and associate a webhook with services provided by individualized controllers

and 22 updated plugins:

  • asynchronous-mail version 0.7. Send email asynchronously by storing them in the database and sending with a Quartz job
  • attachmentable version 0.3.0. Provides a generic way to add and manage attachments
  • aws-sdk version 1.3.22. Use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services
  • cors version 1.0.1. Installs a servlet filter to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other CORS related headers to enable cross site AJAX requests to your Grails application
  • cucumber version 0.6.2. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • cxf version 1.0.5. Expose Grails services as SOAP web services via CXF
  • cxf-client version 1.4.6. Use existing (or new) Apache CXF wsdl2java generated content to invoke SOAP services
  • dustjs-resources version 0.9.2-BETA2. Supports server-side compilation of .dust template files to their .js counterparts
  • ext-proc version 0.3. Provides easy access to external processes
  • facebook-sdk version 0.4.2. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • font-awesome-resources version 2.0.1. Integrates the Font Awesome icon set
  • functional-test-development version 0.9.2. Installs a script, develop-functional-tests, that you can use to develop your functional tests more conveniently
  • grom version 0.2.5. Sends notifications on Windows, Linux, and Mac
  • guard version 1.0.7. Provides a way to run integration tests without having to repeatedly bootstrap the environment
  • jasper version 1.6.1. Enables use of JasperReports
  • jquery-ui version 1.8.24. Supplies jQuery UI resources, and depends on the jQuery plugin to include the core jquery libraries
  • plastic-criteria version 0.3. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • remote-control version 1.3. Execute code inside a remote Grails application
  • struts1 version 1.3.11. Lets you use Struts 1 as a the controller/view layer
  • underscore version 1.4.2. Simple plugin wrapper for useful Underscore.js library
  • uploadr version HTML5 Drag and Drop file uploader
  • vaadin version 1.5.5. Adds Vaadin ( integration

Interesting Tweets


User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2012-39)

Wednesday, October 03rd, 2012

SpringSource is giving away a free seat in the Groovy and Grails course – all you have to do is sign up for a newsletter.

I did a few “real” blog posts this week:

According to this blog post the code AUTHD will get you 50% off Programming Grails.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 3 new plugins released:

  • akka version 0.5. Akka actors integration from Groovy and Java, in a Servlet 3.x environment
  • cors version 1.0.0. Installs a servlet filter to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other CORS related headers to enable cross site AJAX requests to your Grails application
  • mandrill version 0.1. A simple wrapper for the Mandrill REST API –

and 16 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.7.2. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • aws-sdk version Use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services
  • build-info-tag version 0.2. Puts a file in the generated WAR file and provides a GSP tag to display the information in it
  • dustjs-resources version 0.9. Supports server-side compilation of .dust template files to their .js counterparts
  • errors version 0.8. Sets up some basic error handling for your application
  • events-push version 1.0.M3. A client-side event bus based on the portable push library Atmosphere that propagates events from the server-side event bus to the browser
  • events-si version 1.0.M3. Standard Events system for Grails implementation; it is a Spring Integration implementation and uses its artefacts to map listeners, senders and events messages
  • facebook-sdk version 0.4.1. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • faker version 0.7. A port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • federated-grails version 0.3.1. Uses Shiro and Shibboleth to integrate into federated authentication
  • jxl version 0.54. Export data to Excel using the JXL library
  • portlets-gatein version 0.3. Provides a simple way of deploying Grails portlets to JBoss GateIN 3.1 Portal
  • remote-pagination version 0.3.1. Provides tags for pagination and to sort columns without page refresh using Ajax and loads only the list of objects needed
  • underscore version 1.4.0. Simple plugin wrapper for useful Underscore.js library
  • yammer-metrics version 2.1.2-3. Packages Coda Hale’s yammer metrics jars
  • zipped-resources version 1.0.1. Integrates with Grails’ resources framework to automatically gzip static files

Interesting Tweets

User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2012-38)

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

We released Grails 2.2 RC1 this week. It has initial support for artifact namespaces, and uses Groovy 2.0. Please start looking now to make sure that your applications and plugins work with Grails 2.2 and Groovy 2.0 so we can identify and fix issues before the final release. Peter Lebrook pointed out that some plugin code is failing to compile in Groovy 2.0 due to it being stricter in certain ways.

The Groovy team released version 2.0.4 to address some issues in 2.0.3.

There has been a lot of interest in the upcoming Grails Hackathon November 9th-11th. It will be coordinated online but some local user groups are getting together to work in-person.

The dates for the 2013 Greach conference in Madrid have been announced – January 25th-26th.

The second pre-release version of Programming Grails is now available; there are four new chapters (for a total of seven). Download the updated version from your O’Reilly account.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were no new plugins released but 12 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.7.1. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • ckeditor version Implements the integration layer between Grails and the CKEditor web rich text editor.
  • countries version 0.4. A way to deal with continents and countries in Grails applications
  • federated-grails version 0.3. Uses Shiro and Shibboleth to integrate into federated authentication
  • jasper version 1.6.0. Enables use of JasperReports
  • modernizr version 2.6.2. Provides the Modernizr Javascript library resource files from
  • newrelic version 0.2. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • plastic-criteria version 0.2. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • searchable version 0.6.4. Adds rich search functionality to Grails domain models
  • shiro-openid version 0.7. Adds OpenID authentication to the Shiro plugin with a set of installable Shiro domain class and openid4java view templates
  • zk version 2.1.0.M2. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications
  • zkui version 0.5.4. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

Interesting Tweets

User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2012-37)

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Lots of stuff for this week’s post since I was busy last week doing some onsite consulting and didn’t have time to get that one out.

We’ve released version 2.1.1 of Grails, and the Groovy team released versions versions 2.0.2 and 1.8.8. Not to be outdone, the Gradle team released version 1.2 and are planning some cool stuff for 1.3. And the STS team have released version 3.1.0.M1 of STS and GGTS.

If you have an idea for a talk at the 2012 Groovy & Grails eXchange in London, submit it here.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 4 new plugins released:

  • airbrake version 0.4. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • retina version 1.0.1. Simple tag for adding inline Retina images to your GSP pages
  • cassandra-astyanax version 0.2.0. Exposes the Astyanax Cassandra client as a Grails service and adds dynamic methods
  • trimmer version 0.1. Trims all form submission inputs

and 18 updated plugins:

  • angularjs-resources version 1.0.2. Adds AngularJS resources to an application
  • app-info version 1.0.2. Provides a UI for inspecting and altering various aspects of the application’s configuration
  • artefact-messaging version 0.3. Adds the message function just as in controllers to services or other arbitrarily defined artefacts
  • bean-fields version 1.0. Provides a suite of tags for rendering form fields for domain and command objects
  • cached-resources version 1.1. Provides a “hash and cache” mapper for the resources framework, automatically creating safe unique filenames for your resources and setting them to eternally cache in the browser
  • concordion version 0.1.2. Provides a convenient integration between the Concordion framework —an open source tool for writing automated acceptance tests in Java— and Grails applications
  • cucumber version 0.6.1. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • email-confirmation version 2.0.6. Sends an email to a user with a link to click to confirm site registration
  • font-awesome-resources version 2.0. Integrates the Font Awesome icon set
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.1. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • jetty version 2.0.1. Makes Jetty the development time container
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • mongodb-morphia version 0.8.0. Alternative MongoDB GORM based on the Morphia library (former gorm-mongodb)
  • neo4j version 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT. GORM for Neo4j
  • remoting version 1.3. Makes it easy to expose your Grails services to remote clients via RMI, Hessian, Burlap and Spring’s HttpInvoker protocol, and also easily access remote services via the same set of protocols
  • resources version 1.2.RC2. A resource management and processing framework
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.1.1. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files
  • zk version 2.0.4. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications

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This Week in Grails (2012-35)

Wednesday, September 05th, 2012

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There were 2 new plugins released:

  • debian-packager version 0.1. Creates Debian packages from a Grails application
  • handlebars version 1.0.0. Server side rendering of Handlebars.js templates

and 8 updated plugins:

  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.6. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • geb version 0.7.2. Geb is a library for headless web browsing on the JVM, suitable for automation and functional web testing
  • jmx version 0.7.2. Adds JMX support and provides the ability to expose services and other Spring beans as MBeans
  • jquery-validation-ui version 1.4. Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript
  • rabbitmq version 1.0.0.RC2. Integrates with Rabbit MQ messaging
  • spring-security-taobao version 1.0.9. Integrates the Taobao Open API Authentication with the Spring Security Core plugin
  • xwiki-rendering version 1.0-RC1. Convert texts using XWiki Rendering Framework
  • zk version 2.0.2. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications

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