Archive for the Category 'ThisWeekInGrails'

This Week in Grails (2013-06)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Several videos from Greach 2013 are now available on their YouTube channel.

Marc Palmer has announced that he will no longer be supporting any of his plugins (at least not for free). We’re looking into what makes the most sense for moving forward, especially for the more popular plugins like resources. Several of them will be moved to shared Github repos so the community can easily contribute. Be sure to check out his Kickstarter campaign and contribute so the outstanding issues in the resources plugin can get fixed.

There are two excellent looking Grails training opportunities coming up in the next few months. One starts this week and is a 10-week seminar at UC Berkeley. The other is a 2-day seminar in Boston April 22nd – 23rd.

The Groovy team is looking into updating the Groovy documentation and web site.

Check out these two interesting Groovy wiki pages: Advanced compiler configuration and Meta-annotations.

Season 2 of the Spanish-language Podcast de GrailsMX is starting soon. It sure would be cool to have an English-language Groovy and Grails podcast 😉

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were no new plugins released but 11 updated plugins:

  • aws-sdk version 1.3.30. Use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services
  • cookie-session version 2.0.6. Allows you to store session data in a cookie
  • extjs4 version Provides Ext JS 4 resources
  • jquery version 1.9.1. Integrates jQuery
  • routing version 1.2.3. Send and route messages to a wide variety of destination endpoints directly from your Controllers and Services using Camel
  • sham version 0.3. Uses the sham data generation library to generate test/demo data
  • sharding version 0.7. Defines multiple database shards to horizontally scale data
  • simple-blog version 0.3. Adds a simple blog interface to an application
  • spring-batch version 1.0.RC2. Provides the Spring Batch framework and convention based Jobs
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.12. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.3.0. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files

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User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2013-05)

Thursday, February 07th, 2013

Check out Cedric Champeau’s detailed overview of how to work with invokedynamic in Groovy.

Do you want Cedric to write a book on Groovy in French? If so, retweet this to let him know.

There is only about one week left to submit talks for the EU and US GR8Conf conferences – the deadline is February 15th.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were no new plugins but 8 updated plugins:

  • coffeescript-resources version 0.3.5. Create coffeescript modules that automatically compiles on every file change with jCoffeeScript
  • cxf version 1.1.0. Expose Grails services as SOAP web services via CXF
  • excel-export version 0.1.4. Export data in Excel (xlsx) format using Apache POI
  • google-visualization version 0.6.1. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • greenmail version 1.3.4. Provides a wrapper around GreenMail and provides a view that displays ‘sent’ messages – useful for testing
  • gvps version 0.4. Host, manage and display video assets, and convert standard movie formats to the Flash movie format FLV
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • uploadr version 0.6.1. HTML5 Drag and Drop file uploader

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User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2013-04)

Sunday, February 03rd, 2013

Greach was this week and it was great. It was my first time visiting Spain, so that was an added bonus. The Spanish Groovy and Grails community is apparently thriving, and the attendance was about the same as Groovy & Grails Exchange and GR8Conf, if not higher. There are already some blog posts up and several speakers have put their slides online:

The Groovy team released Groovy 2.1 this week (and made the announcement live during Cedric’s keynote at Greach). Groovy now has full support for invokedynamic, which promises huge performance increases. Note that the 2.1 release notes currently don’t describe how to use the “indy” jars; see the 2.0 release notes for that information.

Andre Steingress released a few blog posts describing some new features in 2.1:

Gradle 1.4 was released this week. There is a description of the plans for 1.5 here, and you can see a short video overview of the 1.4 highlights here.

Marc Palmer’s resources plugin Kickstarter is now live. Nearly everything you use for Grails development is free (except for IntelliJ Ultimate if that’s your IDE of choice) but real people do the work to provide you with Grails and the plugins and tools you use daily. It would be great if we were all paid to do this work (I’m very lucky that I am) but we’re not. The project us currently funded at 10% so contribute soon.

Cedric Champeau’s talk on type checking extensions at Greach was very interesting, and he’s added some documentation for the feature. Check out his slides and the video of the talk when it’s available.

There are only two weeks left to submit talks for the EU and US GR8Conf conferences – the deadline is February 15th.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were no new plugins but 18 updated plugins:

  • audit-trail version 2.0.3. Adds created/updated audit fields to domain classes and updates them after a new insert or update
  • backbonejs version Provides resources for Backbone.js
  • coffeescript-compiler version 0.6. Compiles .coffee source files into .js files
  • cxf-client version 1.5.0. Use existing (or new) Apache CXF wsdl2java generated content to invoke SOAP services
  • dojo version Integrates the Dojo javascript toolkit
  • ember-templates-precompiler version 0.3.0. Precompiles EmberJS powered Handlebars templates
  • events-si version 1.0.M5. Standard Events system for Grails implementation; it is a Spring Integration implementation and uses its artefacts to map listeners, senders and events messages
  • feature-switch version 0.6. Allows turning on and off of features
  • flash-helper version 0.9.5. Simplifies and standardizes the process of adding/reading messages in the flash scope
  • font-awesome-resources version 3.0. Integrates the Font Awesome icon set
  • html5-mobile-scaffolding version 0.5. Scaffolds HTML5 mobile application using jQuery mobile in a single page
  • jetty version 2.0.2. Makes Jetty the development time container
  • lesscss-resources version 1.3.1. Optimises the use of css files, compiling .less files into their .css counterprt, and place the css into the processing chain to be available to the other resource plugin features
  • quartz2 version Integration with Quartz 2 framework from
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.11. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • underscore version 1.4.3. Simple plugin wrapper for useful Underscore.js library
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-rc2. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • yammer-metrics version 2.1.2-4. Packages Coda Hale’s yammer metrics jars

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User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2013-03)

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

The Groovy team announced the second release candidate for Groovy 2.1.0 this week, and they’ve already released RC3 since then. This should be the final RC before 2.1.0 final.

The Griffon team released version 1.2.0 this week.

Marc Palmer is doing some interesting experiments with paid Grails plugin development, maintenance and documentation. He’s testing the waters with an e-book for the email-confirmation plugin, and is looking into how interested people are in a book on the resources plugin. And he should have a KickStarter campaign going soon to fund the development effort to clear the backlog of bugs and feature requests for the resources plugin. It’ll be interesting to see if the historically cheap Java-based community will be willing to dig into their wallets 🙂

Greach is this week, it will be Friday and Saturday in Madrid. Tickets are still available. Two tracks, a great lineup of speakers, Madrid. What more could you ask for?

The call for papers for the two GR8Conf conferences ends in a few weeks on February 15th. Get those talk proposals submitted, here for the EU conference and here for the US conference.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 3 new plugins released:

  • coffeescript-compiler version 0.5. Compiles .coffee source files into .js files
  • excel-export version 0.1.3. Export data in Excel (xlsx) format using Apache POI
  • hsoy-templates version 0.3. Adds support for Hsoy Templates (Google Closure Templates with HAML syntax)

and 21 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.9.2. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • akka version 0.6.2. Akka actors integration from Groovy and Java, in a Servlet 3.x environment
  • asynchronous-mail version 1.0-RC3. Send email asynchronously by storing them in the database and sending with a Quartz job
  • atmosphere version 1.1.0.beta2. Provides integration with the Atmosphere project, a portable AjaxPush/Comet and WebSocket framework
  • easygrid version 1.2.1. Provides a convenient and agile way of defining Data Grids
  • email-confirmation version 2.0.8. Sends an email to a user with a link to click to confirm site registration
  • events-push version 1.0.M7. A client-side event bus based on the portable push library Atmosphere that propagates events from the server-side event bus to the browser
  • feature-switch version 0.5. Allows turning on and off of features
  • functional-test-development version 0.9.4. Installs a script, develop-functional-tests, that you can use to develop your functional tests more conveniently
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.5. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • jquery version 1.9.0. Integrates jQuery
  • mail-on-exception version 0.1.1. Allows one to specify an email address where all frontend exceptions will be sent
  • newrelic version 0.6. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • plastic-criteria version 0.5. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • platform-core version 1.0.RC5. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • raven version 0.5.3. Sentry Client for Grails
  • remote-control version 1.4. Execute code inside a remote Grails application
  • sanitizer version 0.8.0. Sanitizes markup(HTML, XHTML, CSS) using OWASP AntiSamy Filters
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.10.4. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-rc1. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • xwiki-rendering version 1.0-RC2. Convert texts using XWiki Rendering Framework

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User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2013-02)

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

Graeme wrote about the new Aether-based depedency resolution approach in 2.3. Aether is missing a few features that Ivy has but makes up for that in several ways, in particular by being significantly faster.

The Groovy team released an RC of Groovy 2.1. Lots of cool stuff there, the most interesting to me being support for invokedynamic. This promises to bring huge performance increases without any annotations or code changes (as long as you’re using a JDK version that supports it).

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were no new plugins released but 11 updated:

  • asynchronous-mail version 1.0-RC1. Send email asynchronously by storing them in the database and sending with a Quartz job
  • clover version Integrates the Clover code coverage tool
  • cookie-session version 2.0.3. Allows you to store session data in a cookie
  • cucumber version 0.8.0. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • easygrid version 1.1.0. Provides a convenient and agile way of defining Data Grids
  • kissmetrics version 0.2.0. Allows your Grails application to use KISSmetrics APIs
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • quartz version 1.0-RC5. Schedules jobs to be executed with a specified interval or cron expression using the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler
  • remote-pagination version 0.4.1. Provides tags for pagination and to sort columns without page refresh using Ajax and loads only the list of objects needed
  • slug-generator version 0.2. Generates unique slugs for String properties, for example to generate unique ‘nice’ urls for access to domain objects
  • vero version 0.2.0. Allows your Grails application to use Vero APIs

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User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2013-01)

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

The big news of this week is that there is finally a book available that covers Grails 2, Jeff and Graeme’s The Definitive Guide to Grails 2. There’s even photographic proof that it’s shipping 🙂

If you’re considering submitting talk proposals to either or both of GR8Conf Europe and GR8Conf US be sure to do so soon; the deadline is February 15. Submit for the US conference here and the EU conference here, and if you want to submit for both you can do that from either site.

I released two new plugins this week. The first was the database-migration-jaxb plugin which was going to be part of the database-migration plugin but it requires Java 7 or higher (more specifically JAXB 2.2 or higher) so I released it as an addon instead. It adds a new approach to creating database migrations – writing them programmatically using JAXB-generated classes. I wrote about this and the big new 1.3 release of the database-migration plugin in this blog post.

The other new plugin is spring-security-shiro which adds the ability to use Shiro’s easy and powerful ACLs and permissions alongside Spring Security and the spring-security-core plugin. See this blog post for more information.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 2 new plugins released:

and 13 updated plugins:

  • akka version 0.6.1. Akka actors integration from Groovy and Java, in a Servlet 3.x environment
  • browser-detection version 0.4.3. Provides a service and tag library for browser detection
  • database-migration version 1.3.2. Official Grails plugin for database migrations
  • equals-hashcode-test version 0.3. Base Spock specification for testing equals and hashCode methods of domain classes and other Groovy objects
  • facebook-sdk version 0.4.8. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • grom version 0.3.0. Sends notifications on Windows, Linux, and Mac
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.4. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • newrelic version 0.5. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • quartz-monitor version 0.3-RC1. One clear and concise page that enables you to administer all your Quartz jobs
  • remote-pagination version 0.4. Provides tags for pagination and to sort columns without page refresh using Ajax and loads only the list of objects needed
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.10.3. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • stripe version 1.3. Use Stripe to process credit card transactions
  • war-exec version 1.0.2. Makes the war files generated by Grails executable (java -jar myapp.war) by embedding Jetty. Jetty can be configured using properties in Config.groovy

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This Week in Grails (2012-52)

Wednesday, January 02nd, 2013

Tomas Lin published a great blog post with a large collection of Grails testing resources.
Be sure to register your support for Marc Palmer’s proposed book on the resources plugins.

The Greach conference is getting closer, only a few weeks away. Do you have your ticket yet?

I released a new plugin this week, the lazylob plugin. It adds support for lazy loading of BLOB and CLOB domain class properties so you don’t have to artificially split your domain class into a one-to-one just to avoid the cost of loading large object data when you load domain class instances.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There was 1 new plugin released:

  • lazylob version 0.1. Adds support for lazy-loaded Blobs and Clobs

and 3 updated plugins:

  • quartz version 1.0-RC4. Schedules jobs to be executed with a specified interval or cron expression using the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler
  • spring-security-taobao version 1.1. Integrates the Taobao Open API Authentication with the Spring Security Core plugin
  • zk version 2.1.0. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications

Interesting Tweets

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This Week in Grails (2012-51)

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

There were a few Groovy and Grails releases this week. Grails 2.2 was released and there are many new features but the big one is that it uses Groovy 2.0. Grails 2.1.3 was also released and includes fixes for the 2.1.x line.

Groovy 2.0.6 was released with several fixes and improvements, and the first beta of Groovy 2.1 was released. It looks like 2.1 will have some very interesting new features.

Also, GPars 1.0 was released this week.

There were a few writeups about the Groovy & Grails Exchange last week:

and a few more interesting tweets:

I forgot to mention when discussing GGX last week that Yu Sudo took some great photos during the conference. While the rest of us were using our cell phones to take mediocre shots (and often making them worse with Instagram filters) he was using a real camera. I didn’t know people still used real cameras 🙂 Check out his stuff on Flickr.

I updated my old Spring MVC plugin this week and wrote up why you would use it here. I also released a new plugin that adds support for Logback.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 4 new plugins released:

  • crash version 1.2.0-cr3-p1. Integrates the Common Reusable SHell (CRaSH – )
  • logback version 0.1.1. Replaces Log4j with Logback for logging
  • miniprofiler version 0.1. Shows timing and SQL query information in a head-up display in a web page; useful for debugging database and other performance problems
  • grails-remote-methods version 0.2. Allow controller methods to call from JS without any code

and 15 updated plugins:

  • aws-sdk version 1.3.26. Use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services
  • codenarc version 0.18. Static code analysis for Groovy
  • cucumber version 0.7.0. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • facebook-sdk version 0.4.7. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • jasper-response version 1.0.1. Render JasperReports as PDF or HTML
  • kickstart-with-bootstrap version 0.8.9. Start your project with a good looking frontend, with adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter Bootstrap
  • mongodb version 1.1.0.GA. Aims to provide an object-mapping layer on top of MongoDB
  • oauth version 2.2.1. Provides easy interaction with OAuth service providers
  • quartz version 1.0-RC3. Schedules jobs to be executed with a specified interval or cron expression using the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler
  • sendgrid version 1.1. Allows the sending of Email via SendGrid’s services
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.10.2. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • spring-security-twitter version 0.4.4. Twitter authentication as extension to the Spring Security Core plugin
  • springmvc version 0.2. Enables the use of Spring MVC controllers
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-beta11. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • zkui version Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

Interesting Tweets

User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2012-50)

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

The big news of this week was the 2012 Groovy & Grails Exchange in London. Lots of great content this year, and attendance was up 40% from last year. It’s always a great conference thanks to the fine folks at Skills Matter who run the conference and many other events throughout the year. They’re great about getting videos of the talks online quickly and you can check them out at the conference schedule – click through each talk to the full description. There was a lot of Twitter activity – search on the #ggx hashtag. Here are several of the more interesting ones, including several links to presentations and sample code:

In addition, Grails 2.1.2 was released with some fixes for the 2.1.x line (note that the distribution is now ~120MB since it includes source and Javadoc), and Grails 2.2.0 RC4 was released. This will be the final RC release before the 2.2 GA release and it includes Groovy 2.0, so you should definitely check it out and start looking now at upgrading.

The Spring Loaded JVM agent that we use in Grails 2.0+ for code reloading was open-sourced this week.

The folks at Canoo released Open Dolphin which integrates Enterprise applications with Java Desktop applications.

I released a new plugin, the tcpmon plugin. It provides the TCPMon proxy tool which can help with debugging web services and rest APIs.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 8 new plugins released:

  • dynamic-themes version 0.1.0. Load and render your pages with your own theme (folders with GSP templates and css) dynamically outside the scope of a web request
  • envers version 0.4.4. Integrates with Hibernate Envers
  • extra-runtime-validation version 0.1. Adds validate method to domain objects to perform additional validations at runtime
  • improx version 0.1. Use interactive mode from other process via TCP
  • jasper-response version 1.0. Render JasperReports as PDF or HTML
  • mongodb-compound-index-attributes version 1.1. Add attributes to MongoDB’s compound index
  • raven version 0.5.2. Sentry Client for Grails
  • tcpmon version 0.1. Provides the TCPMon web service monitoring tool

and 33 updated plugins:

  • asynchronous-mail version 0.9. Send email asynchronously by storing them in the database and sending with a Quartz job
  • auto-test version 1.0.2. Monitors the project directory and attempts to run only the subset of tests affected by what changed
  • bootstrap-theme version 1.0.RC3. Provides a basic Platform UI Theme based on Twitter Bootstrap
  • bootstrap-ui version 1.0.RC4. Twitter Bootstrap based UI Set for plugin platform
  • cloud-bees version 0.6.2. Adds scripts to integrate with the CloudBees client API
  • cookie version 0.4. Provides a service and taglib to get, set, and delete cookies
  • cxf version 1.0.8. Expose Grails services as SOAP web services via CXF
  • cxf-client version 1.4.8. Use existing (or new) Apache CXF wsdl2java generated content to invoke SOAP services
  • database-migration version 1.2.2. Official Grails plugin for database migrations
  • dojo version Integrates the Dojo javascript toolkit
  • easygrid version 1.0.0. Provides a convenient and agile way of defining Data Grids
  • facebook-sdk version 0.4.6. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • feature-switch version 0.4. Allows turning on and off of features
  • flash-helper version 0.9.4. Simplifies and standardizes the process of adding/reading messages in the flash scope
  • font-awesome-resources version 2.0.4. Integrates the Font Awesome icon set
  • force-response-download version 0.1.4. Forces the browser to open a dialog for downloading content produced within controller actions
  • handlebars version 1.1.0. Server side rendering of Handlebars.js templates
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.3. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • jmx version 0.8. Adds JMX support and provides the ability to expose services and other Spring beans as MBeans
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • nerderg-form-tags version 2.1.3. Bringing Readability, Convention, Consistency and CSS to form design
  • page-resources version 0.2.3. Enhances the resources plugin by allowing for creation of ‘page’ resource modules using convention over configuration
  • platform-core version 1.0.RC2. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • platform-ui version 1.0.RC3. Abstracted UI elements and theming for plugin/application interoperability
  • rabbitmq-tasks version 0.5.4. Run background tasks using RabbitMQ to queue them
  • release version 2.2.0. Publishes Grails plugins either to a public or private repository
  • resources version 1.2.RC3. A resource management and processing framework
  • rest-client-builder version 1.0.3. Provides an alternative REST client implementation based on Spring’s RestTemplate that is not tied to commons-http-client
  • sendgrid version 1.0. Allows the sending of Email via SendGrid’s services
  • simpledb version 0.5. Integrates the AWS SimpleDB datastore into Grails, providing a GORM API onto it
  • spring-batch version 1.0.RC1. Provides the Spring Batch framework and convention based Jobs
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.2.2. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files
  • zkui version 0.5.5. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

Interesting Tweets


User groups and Conferences

This Week in Grails (2012-48)

Tuesday, December 04th, 2012

The 2012 Groovy & Grails Exchange is next week – better get your tickets before they sell out.

The early bird price for the Greach conference has been extended until December 12, so grab a ticket before the price goes up.

Peter Ledbrook left VMware last week. It’s obviously a big loss for us, but potentially your gain since you can now hire him as a consultant 🙂

I released a new plugin this week, app-info-hibernate and wrote a blog post about it and the updated db-reverse-engineer plugin.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 5 new plugins released:

  • app-info-hibernate version 0.2. Add-on for the app-info plugin, adds extensive HIbernate information and graphs
  • fresh-security version 1.0.2.RC1. Security that “just works”, backed by Spring Security
  • funky-test-load version 0.3.9. Enables functional tests to be used as light load tests
  • localhome-config version 0.2. Configure the external configuration in ~/.grails/appName/files(Config.groovy,grails-app/i18n,web-app/)
  • mail-on-exception version 0.1. Allows one to specify an email address where all frontend exceptions will be sent

and 15 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.9.1. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • akka version 0.6. Akka actors integration from Groovy and Java, in a Servlet 3.x environment
  • cassandra-astyanax version 0.3.2. Exposes the Astyanax Cassandra client as a Grails service and adds dynamic methods
  • cassandra-orm version 0.3.2. Provides GORM-like dynamic methods for persisting Groovy objects into Cassandra (but does not implement the GORM API)
  • cloud-bees version 0.6.1. Adds scripts to integrate with the CloudBees client API
  • cookie-session version 2.0.2. Allows you to store session data in a cookie
  • database-migration version 1.2.1. Official Grails plugin for database migrations
  • db-reverse-engineer version 0.5. Reverse-engineers a database to Grails domain classes.
  • functional-test version 2.0.RC1. Functional web testing using HtmlUnit to simulate the client browser
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.2. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • jesque version 0.5.1. Groovier approach to using jesque
  • rabbitmq version 1.0.0. Integrates with Rabbit MQ messaging
  • rabbitmq-tasks version 0.5.3. Run background tasks using RabbitMQ to queue them
  • simple-captcha version 0.9.2. Creates simple image CAPTCHAs that protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-beta10. Adds Vaadin ( integration

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