Archive for August 10th, 2006

Some New Features in Eclipse 3.2

Thursday, August 10th, 2006

In no particular order, some features that I’ve noticed but don’t remember seeing in the documentation:

  • When you open a closed project it asks if you also want to reopen referenced projects
  • Package Explorer filtering has an option to filter project libraries
  • There’s a Heap monitor widget with a GC button – Window|Preferences|General|Show Heap Status (there are plugins for this but it’s nice to have it as part of the IDE)
  • If you type a semicolon inside a string it inserts it in the string, not at end of line (assuming you have semicolon auto-insert on)
  • Ctrl-Shift-C (comments out the selected text) now works in Linux. That’s been annoying, having switched from Windows (and still using Windows at work). I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts and losing one is frustrating.
  • Typing ${ in the Ant editor autocompletes build properties and it even shows the currently resolved value for the property.
  • An autogenerated default implementation of a method override now inserts a “non-Javadoc” @see comment in addition to the @Override annotation, e.g.
/* (non-Javadoc)
 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  return super.toString();

Autoboxing and Null Pointer Exceptions

Thursday, August 10th, 2006

Updated 08/16/2006: Check out the discussion about this post on The Serverside.

I spent a while earlier today debugging a very small block of code that was throwing a NPE. There were few options for instances that could be null, but since I was looking in the wrong place for the problem, it took longer than it should have to fix.

I wrapped each method call on a potentially null object with null checks but it was still failing, and finally I realized what was going on. I was storing ints as values in a Map, e.g.

Map<Integer, Integer> cycleAreas = ...
for (Cycle cycle : cycles.values()) {
  Area area = _areaDao.create(new Area(
    analysis, tube, cycle, target,
    cycleAreas.get(cycle.getCycle()), creator));

The exception occurred in the 3rd line, so either cycleAreas or cycle could be null (not really, but I added tests anyway).

Since you can’t use a primitive as a key or value in a Map, you just use autoboxing and use the associated non-primitive instead. But in this case the Map might not be fully populated, so it took a few iterations to find a case where there was no area for a given cycle.

Under the hood when you autobox and treat an Integer as an int or vice versa, the compiler inserts a call to intValue() or Integer.valueof(). Since the Integer value was null, calling intValue() blew up. For a more straightforward example, consider this code:

Integer z = 5;
Integer i = null;
int j = i;

It will fail at the last line with a NPE. It’s more obvious why if you use a decompiler on the class file:

Integer z = Integer.valueOf(5);
Integer i = null;
int j = i.intValue();

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