Archive for January 16th, 2011

This Week in Grails (2011-02)

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Another interesting week for Groovy- and Grails-related news.

Translations of this post:

Miscellaneous Items


There were 4 new plugins released:

  • aws version 0.1. Provide easy access to simpler functions of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • database-migration version 0.1. Official Grails plugin for database migrations
  • google-url-shortener version 0.1. Use Google’s URL shortener service
  • jquery-json version 2.2. Supplies jQuery JSON resources, and depends on the jQuery plugin to include the core jquery libraries

There were also several updated plugins:

  • ajaxflow version 0.1.16. Enables Ajaxified Webflows
  • attachmentable version 0.2.1. Provides a generic way to add and manage attachments
  • dbunit-operator version 1.4. Create initial data with the help of DbUnit
  • elasticsearch version 0.13.0-b. Adds support for the RESTful search engine
  • freemarker-tags version 0.5.5. Use Grails Dynamic Tag Libraries as Freemarker directives
  • gmetrics version 0.3.1. Provides static code analysis for Groovy code
  • gsp-arse version 1.3. My favorite plugin name. Adds parsing of resource files (e.g. javascript, css) from the base path directory as GSP files so you can use tags and data binding
  • jasper version 1.2. Enables use of JasperReports
  • jquery-plugin-authoring version 1.0.2. Template to make creating jQuery plugins easier
  • liquibase version Liquibase database migration plugin (users should switch to the new database-migration plugin)
  • maven-publisher version 0.7.5. Publish Grails projects and plugins to local and remote Maven repositories
  • multi-tenant-core version 1.0.3. Supports multiple ‘customers’ (or tenants) from one installation of a Grails application
  • ofchart version 0.6.3. Open Flash Chart Plugin
  • screencasts version 0.5. Upload, manage and display screencasts
  • twitter-checker version 0.2. Monitors Twitter for events including new followers and unfollows in your account, new RTs of you made by other users, and new mentions to you made by other users
  • weceem-spring-security version 1.0-RC2. Provides the glue needed to make Weceem plugin use Spring Security for authorisation and authentication

Interesting Tweets


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