Archive for June 13th, 2011

This Week in Grails (2011-23)

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Grails 1.4 will have support for multiple datasources in core – the work to migrate the Datasources plugin is finished except for documentation updates and a few bug fixes, and I’ve finished a plugin to provide two-phase commit and XA support for JDBC and JMS. This has to be a plugin because it’s too provider-specific, and this first plugin uses the Atomikos library; others can create similar plugins based on other providers.

I was looking for something else and stumbled across this old Bileblog post from 2004 about how the Groovy project was failing. Although it’s a typical profane post from Hani it’s easy to forget that the project wasn’t doing well for a while there and it took a significant infusion of new people and energy (prophetically forecast by the few kind words Hani had in the post for Guillaume Laforge) to get things back on track. I thought the most ironic aspect of the post was how many people said Groovy isn’t necessary because we have BeanShell. How’s that working out for you guys 😉

A big congratulations to Erik Pragt and Marcin Erdmann for their 1.0 release of the Fitnesse plugin. It’s a big deal to decide that you’re feature-complete and comfortable enough with the state of a project to go to 1.0, and too few Grails plugins have done this.

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Translations of this post:


There was 1 new plugin released:

  • enhanced-scaffolding version 1.0.RC1. A collection of Javascript enhancements to Grails’ standard scaffolding.

and 13 updated plugins:

  • file-uploader version 1.2. Handles file uploads with multiple configurations
  • sipgate version 1.0.2. Allows you to send SMS via the SMS-Gateway
  • activiti version 5.6. Integrates the Activiti BPM Suite and workflow system
  • activiti-spring-security version 0.4.4. Integrates Spring Security to Activiti as custom IdentityService
  • atmosphere version 0.4.0. Provides integration with the Atmosphere project, a portable AjaxPush/Comet and WebSocket framework
  • clover version 3.1.0. Integrates the Clover code coverage tool
  • fitnesse version 1.0. Makes it possible to use the popular Open Source testing framework Fitnesse in combination with Grails.
  • fixtures version 1.0.7. Load test data via a convenient DSL
  • full-calendar version Adds support for the FullCalendar jQuery plugin
  • gsp-taglib version 0.2.2. Makes it possible to declare tags in a gsp in grails-app/taglib
  • regen version 0.2.13. Provides a generation framework and a set of pluggable artefacts under grails-app/generators
  • searchable version 0.6. Adds rich search functionality to Grails domain models
  • spock version 0.6-groovy-1.8-SNAPSHOT. Brings the power of the Spock testing and specification framework to Grails

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