Archive for June 20th, 2011

This Week in Grails (2011-24)

Monday, June 20th, 2011

From the developer’s UX perspective, one of the most significant improvements in Grails 1.4 is the drastically reduced verbosity. I mentioned a couple of posts ago that instead of displaying multiple screens of information for each script that’s run, Grails now shows most information on a single line. ANSI escape sequences are also used to highlight different types of output in different colors – for example errors are red. And based on the proposal in this JIRA issue stack traces are now heavily filtered and displayed in a much more readable way, both in the console and in the error GSP. It should be a lot easier to find the real cause of problems now with most of the irrelevant information removed from displayed exceptions.

Congrats to Luke Daley on his new position at Gradleware. This is great news for Grails (and of course for Luke and Gradleware) since he’ll be able to use his knowledge of Grails internals to help with the migration from Gant to Gradle in 2.0.

STS 2.7.0M2 was released this week and it has some cool new features for Grails 1.4, Cloud Foundry, and Gradle.

Although it’s not Grails-related, it looks like Erik Pragt has made significant progress getting Groovy running in Android – cool stuff.

And GR8Conf US is next week!

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 6 new plugins released:

  • dao version 0.4.1. Enables a grails-app/dao directory to setup beans. See
  • hawk-eventing version 0.5.1. Very simple in-vm event publish / subscribe system
  • hibernate-hijacker version 0.8.1. Publishes intercepted Session instances to a lightweight event broker
  • multi-tenant-single-db version 0.8.1. Multi tenant setup focused on single database mode
  • random version 0.1. Wraps the high-performance, statistically sound Uncommons Maths Pseudorandom Number Generators
  • zkui version 0.3. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

and 15 updated plugins:

  • amazonfps version 0.2.4. Accept payments using Amazon FPS
  • atmosphere version 0.4.1. Provides integration with the Atmosphere project, a portable AjaxPush/Comet and WebSocket framework
  • authorize-net version 0.1. Do authorize/capture, void, and refunds through
  • chargify version 2. Provides a simplified intermediate service to integrate with chargify web services to manage billing for your subscriptions-based business.
  • dynamic-jasper version 0.6. Create Jasper reports
  • extjs4 version Provides Ext JS 4 resources
  • file-uploader version 1.2.1. Handles file uploads with multiple configurations
  • freemarker-tags version 0.6.1. Use Grails Dynamic Tag Libraries as Freemarker directives
  • google-visualization version 0.2.3. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • i18n-fields version 0.4. Provides a declarative way of localizing domain classes’ fields for different languages
  • itunes-service version 0.1.2. Facilitates the integration with iTunes Search Services and Feeds
  • jms version 1.2. Makes it easy to both send and receive JMS messages
  • mongodb-tools version 0.1.2. Makes working with MongoDB a little bit more groovy by adding several features such as: a domain object <-> MongoDB Document mapper, database connection management, a groovy-builder to create MongoDB documents
  • spring-security-core version 1.1.3. The official Grails security plugin; integrates with Spring Security
  • webdriver version 0.3.2. Integrates Webdriver with Grails to allow functional testing in both HtmlUnit and real browsers

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