Archive for June 4th, 2012

This Week in Grails (2012-22)

Monday, June 04th, 2012

Groovy 2.0 RC1 and RC2 were released this week. Lots of cool stuff there, including static type checking and static compilation, and support for InvokeDynamic. Grails 2.2 will use Groovy 2.0.

Stéphane Maldini created a demo app (source here) using “CloudFoundry, RabbitMQ, BackboneJS, Coffeescript, and the new 3 Events Bus plugins (platform-core, events-si and events-push)” based on Lauri Piispanen’s blog post.

I did a post this week on using AST transformations with the Spring Security plugin, Make your Spring Security @Secured annotations more DRY.

A couple more GR8Conf interviews:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There was one new plugin released:

  • apache-pivot-grails version 1.0.5. Use Apache Pivot 2.x features on the Server side and forward Pivot jars to Clients for Applets and Java Web Start Applications

and 3 updated plugins:

  • openid version 0.4.4. Provides simple authentication using OpenID
  • resources version 1.2-RC1. A resource management and processing framework
  • simple-captcha version 0.9.0. Creates simple image CAPTCHAs that protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms

Interesting Tweets

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