This Week in Grails (2012-45)

The Grails48 hackathon was this weekend. Sounds like people got a lot done – I’m looking forward to seeing the various applications that were created and of course to see who wins the various prizes 🙂

The 2012 Groovy & Grails Exchange is coming up soon – it’s only a month away. Be sure to get your tickets now before the price goes up again. And the 2013 Greach conference is not long after that. I’ll be speaking at both and I’m looking forward to the conferences, especially Greach since I haven’t been to Spain before.

I started working on a Grails plugin that provides a UI for P6Spy a long time ago, but didn’t finish it. It was based on the sqlprofiler Swing application that connects to your application with an RMI appender. I’m not sure what triggered me to look at it again but I picked it back up this weekend and got it working. See the plugin page for more information; the source is on Github so feel free to send pull requests with updates (especially CSS and UI-related fixes since I’m not great at developing user interfaces).

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 3 new plugins released:

  • easygrid version 0.9.9. Provides a convenient and agile way of defining Data Grids
  • mongeez version 0.2.1. Integrates the Mongeez change management system for MongoDB
  • p6spy-ui version 0.1. Uses the P6Spy library to intercept JDBC calls and display them in a web page

and 15 updated plugins:

  • app-forty-two-paas version 0.2. Develop engaging and connected Mobile, Web, Social, Enterprise and SaaS Apps using ShepHertz App42 PaaS Cloud and Backend as a Service Platform
  • closure-compiler version 0.9. Compiles/optimizes your javascript resources with the Google Closure Compiler
  • cookie-session version 2.0.0. Allows you to store session data in a cookie
  • cxf version 1.0.7. Expose Grails services as SOAP web services via CXF
  • dojo version Integrates the Dojo javascript toolkit
  • ember-templates-precompiler version 0.2.1. Precompiles EmberJS powered Handlebars templates
  • google-visualization version 0.6. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • greenmail version 1.3.3. Provides a wrapper around GreenMail and provides a view that displays ‘sent’ messages – useful for testing
  • inflector version 0.2. Provides tags to simplify common text inflections, e.g. plural and singular words
  • inviter version 0.4. A Grails port of the functionality found in the OpenInviter PHP project
  • jquery version 1.8.2. Integrates jQuery
  • mail version 1.0.1. Send email from your application
  • neo4j version 1.0.0.M5. GORM for Neo4j
  • stripe version 1.2. Use Stripe to process credit card transactions
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-beta7. Adds Vaadin ( integration

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3 Responses to “This Week in Grails (2012-45)”

  1. […]  Miscellaneous Items  Plugins  Interesting Tweets  Jobs  User groups and […]

  2. Prashant says:

    Hi Burt,

    I have a problem with grails p6spyui plugin. For some reason, the UI doesn’t display any logs. I did the required config changes in the grails app. Could you please help?


  3. Alex says:


    Have you set the realdriver attribute in Config.groovy. I missed that one initially.


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