This Week in Grails (2013-03)

The Groovy team announced the second release candidate for Groovy 2.1.0 this week, and they’ve already released RC3 since then. This should be the final RC before 2.1.0 final.

The Griffon team released version 1.2.0 this week.

Marc Palmer is doing some interesting experiments with paid Grails plugin development, maintenance and documentation. He’s testing the waters with an e-book for the email-confirmation plugin, and is looking into how interested people are in a book on the resources plugin. And he should have a KickStarter campaign going soon to fund the development effort to clear the backlog of bugs and feature requests for the resources plugin. It’ll be interesting to see if the historically cheap Java-based community will be willing to dig into their wallets 🙂

Greach is this week, it will be Friday and Saturday in Madrid. Tickets are still available. Two tracks, a great lineup of speakers, Madrid. What more could you ask for?

The call for papers for the two GR8Conf conferences ends in a few weeks on February 15th. Get those talk proposals submitted, here for the EU conference and here for the US conference.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 3 new plugins released:

  • coffeescript-compiler version 0.5. Compiles .coffee source files into .js files
  • excel-export version 0.1.3. Export data in Excel (xlsx) format using Apache POI
  • hsoy-templates version 0.3. Adds support for Hsoy Templates (Google Closure Templates with HAML syntax)

and 21 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.9.2. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • akka version 0.6.2. Akka actors integration from Groovy and Java, in a Servlet 3.x environment
  • asynchronous-mail version 1.0-RC3. Send email asynchronously by storing them in the database and sending with a Quartz job
  • atmosphere version 1.1.0.beta2. Provides integration with the Atmosphere project, a portable AjaxPush/Comet and WebSocket framework
  • easygrid version 1.2.1. Provides a convenient and agile way of defining Data Grids
  • email-confirmation version 2.0.8. Sends an email to a user with a link to click to confirm site registration
  • events-push version 1.0.M7. A client-side event bus based on the portable push library Atmosphere that propagates events from the server-side event bus to the browser
  • feature-switch version 0.5. Allows turning on and off of features
  • functional-test-development version 0.9.4. Installs a script, develop-functional-tests, that you can use to develop your functional tests more conveniently
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.5. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • jquery version 1.9.0. Integrates jQuery
  • mail-on-exception version 0.1.1. Allows one to specify an email address where all frontend exceptions will be sent
  • newrelic version 0.6. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • plastic-criteria version 0.5. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • platform-core version 1.0.RC5. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • raven version 0.5.3. Sentry Client for Grails
  • remote-control version 1.4. Execute code inside a remote Grails application
  • sanitizer version 0.8.0. Sanitizes markup(HTML, XHTML, CSS) using OWASP AntiSamy Filters
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.10.4. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • vaadin version 1.7.0-rc1. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • xwiki-rendering version 1.0-RC2. Convert texts using XWiki Rendering Framework

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