Automatically converting password hashes in Grails spring-security-core

I was looking at this Stack Overflow question about converting password hashes and realized that it’s possible and rather convenient when using the spring-security-core plugin to automate the process.

To start, we’ll need a PasswordEncoder that can work with both algorithms. Here I’m assuming that you’ll be converting from SHA-256 (optionally with a salt) to bcrypt, but the general approach is mostly independent of the algorithms. Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder will always hash new passwords using bcrypt, but can detect the difference between hashes from SHA-256 and bcrypt in isPasswordValid:


import grails.plugin.springsecurity.authentication.encoding.BCryptPasswordEncoder;


public class Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder
       implements {

   protected MessageDigestPasswordEncoder sha256PasswordEncoder;
   protected BCryptPasswordEncoder bcryptPasswordEncoder;

   public String encodePassword(String rawPass, Object salt) {
      return bcryptPasswordEncoder.encodePassword(rawPass, null);

   public boolean isPasswordValid(String encPass,
            String rawPass, Object salt) {
      if (encPass.startsWith("$2a$10$") && encPass.length() == 60) {
         // already bcrypt
         return bcryptPasswordEncoder.isPasswordValid(
                    encPass, rawPass, null);

      if (encPass.length() == 64) {
         return sha256PasswordEncoder.isPasswordValid(
                    encPass, rawPass, salt);

      // TODO
      return false;

    * Dependency injection for the bcrypt password encoder
    * @param encoder the encoder
   public void setBcryptPasswordEncoder(BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder) {
      bcryptPasswordEncoder = encoder;

    * Dependency injection for the SHA-256 password encoder
    * @param encoder the encoder
   public void setSha256PasswordEncoder(
           MessageDigestPasswordEncoder encoder) {
      sha256PasswordEncoder = encoder;

This needs dependency injections for properly configured SHA-256 and bcrypt encoders, and we’ll see that in a bit.

Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder cannot make any changes as only password information is available, so we’ll subclass DaoAuthenticationProvider and do this work in additionalAuthenticationChecks:


import grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityUtils
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.userdetails.GrailsUser


class PasswordFixingDaoAuthenticationProvider
extends DaoAuthenticationProvider {

   def grailsApplication

   protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(
         UserDetails userDetails,
         UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
            throws AuthenticationException {
      super.additionalAuthenticationChecks userDetails, authentication

      // if we got this far the password was ok

      String oldHashedPassword = userDetails.getPassword()
      if (oldHashedPassword.startsWith('$2a$10$') &&
            oldHashedPassword.length() == 60) {
         // already bcrypt

      if (oldHashedPassword.length() != 64) {
         // TODO

      String bcryptPassword = getPasswordEncoder().encodePassword(
               authentication.credentials, null) 

      // use HQL to update the password in the database directly

      def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig
      String userClassName = conf.userLookup.userDomainClassName
      Class<?> User = grailsApplication.getDomainClass(userClassName).clazz

      def args = [p: bcryptPassword]
      String hql = 'update ' + + ' u set u.password=:p where '
      if (userDetails instanceof GrailsUser) {
         hql += '' =
      else {
         hql += 'u.' + conf.userLookup.usernamePropertyName + '=:un'
         args.un = userDetails.username

      User.withNewSession {
         User.withTransaction {
            User.executeUpdate hql, args

Calling super.additionalAuthenticationChecks() will ensure that a password was provided and it will be verified using either SHA-256 or bcrypt by Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder, so if there is no exception thrown it’s safe to update the password. Note that the update code is generic and can be made more compact by hard-coding your class and property names.

We register Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder as the passwordEncoder bean, and create bcryptPasswordEncoder and sha256PasswordEncoder beans, configured with the SHA-256 settings that were being used, and the bcrypt settings that will be used (configure those in Config.groovy as described in the docs). Also configure the bean override of daoAuthenticationProvider to be a PasswordFixingDaoAuthenticationProvider with the same configuration as is done in SpringSecurityCoreGrailsPlugin.groovy with the addition of the grailsApplication reference:

import grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityUtils
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.authentication.encoding.BCryptPasswordEncoder



beans = {

   def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig

   bcryptPasswordEncoder(BCryptPasswordEncoder, conf.password.bcrypt.logrounds) // 10

   sha256PasswordEncoder(MessageDigestPasswordEncoder, conf.password.algorithm) {
      encodeHashAsBase64 = conf.password.encodeHashAsBase64 // false
      iterations = conf.password.hash.iterations // 10000

   passwordEncoder(Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder) {
      bcryptPasswordEncoder = ref('bcryptPasswordEncoder')
      sha256PasswordEncoder = ref('sha256PasswordEncoder')

   daoAuthenticationProvider(PasswordFixingDaoAuthenticationProvider) {
      userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService')
      passwordEncoder = ref('passwordEncoder')
      userCache = ref('userCache')
      saltSource = ref('saltSource')
      preAuthenticationChecks = ref('preAuthenticationChecks')
      postAuthenticationChecks = ref('postAuthenticationChecks')
      authoritiesMapper = ref('authoritiesMapper')
      hideUserNotFoundExceptions = conf.dao.hideUserNotFoundExceptions // true
      grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')

With this configuration, new users’ passwords will be hashed with bcrypt, and valid existing users’ passwords will be converted to bcrypt using the plaintext passwords used during login. Once your users are converted, back out these changes and convert to the standard bcrypt approach. This would involve deleting the grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.algorithm attribute and all salt configuration since bcrypt doesn’t support a salt, deleting Sha256ToBCryptPasswordEncoder and PasswordFixingDaoAuthenticationProvider, and removing the bcryptPasswordEncoder and sha256PasswordEncoder bean definitions and passwordEncoder and daoAuthenticationProvider overrides from resources.groovy since the beans configured by the plugin using Config.groovy settings will be sufficient. Also if you had added salt to the User class encodePassword method, e.g.

protected void encodePassword() {
   password = springSecurityService.encodePassword(password, username)

convert it back to the default without a salt:

protected void encodePassword() {
   password = springSecurityService.encodePassword(password)

8 Responses to “Automatically converting password hashes in Grails spring-security-core”

  1. roos says:

    Exactly what I did in a customers Java Spring project 2 years ago to smoothly convert users from md5 to bcrypt. At a certain point in time, all remaining md5 passwords were reset and the users informed to force them to bcrypt’d passwords.

    Nice to see you use the same approach.

  2. Charles Wood says:

    And if upgrading from Spring Security plugin 1.2 to 2.0, the other little config things that were needed: in Config.groovy, set grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.algorithm=’SHA-256′ and
    grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.hash.iterations = 1

  3. badbob says:

    Thanks Charles Wood.

    Seting up grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.hash.iterations = 1 very helped me to understand why I couldn’t authorize after update from old spring-security to the last one.

    Thanks a lot.

  4. Charles Wood says:

    Of course, setting the hash iterations to 1 seems to defeat the purpose of using bcrypt in my mind; but, that’s the next step I guess.

  5. Maarten van Schouwen says:

    The “10” in “$2a$10$” seems to be the cost paameter of bcrypt, as configured by grails.plugin[s].springsecurity.password.bcrypt.logrounds. So if somebody configures a different number of logrounds, maybe to adapt to faster hardware in the future, the hash type detection does not work anymore.

    Can you change the code to just check for “$2a$”, or maybe just the three “$” in the beginning of the string?

    According to Wikipedia, the prefix can also be “2y” instead of “$2a$”, but I haven’t seen that in Grails/spring-security.

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