This Week in Grails (2011-06)

This week saw another mega thread on the User mailing list, this time on hosting options. Looks like the winner is Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and there’s a lot of useful information in the thread, so be sure to check it out.

Maybe it has been a common practice and I’ve only noticed it because I watch new and updated plugins for these posts, but it seems like most recent plugin releases require the latest (or a very recent) version of Grails as the minimum version. When you run grails create-plugin the generated plugin descriptor defaults to def grailsVersion = "1.3.6 > *" (assuming you use Grails 1.3.6). A lot of developers will still be using older versions of Grails and won’t even be able to test your plugin. This may be intentional – if you don’t have users, you won’t get bug reports 🙂 Be sure to drop the minimum version (and fill out the rest of the fields!) but make sure you test with earlier versions.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:

Miscellaneous Items


There were 4 new plugins released:

  • dbconsole version 1.0. Provides a web based database console for pre-1.4 apps
  • multi-tenant-proxy version 1.0. Multi-tenant add-on to use domain tenant resolver with http proxy in front of your app server
  • spring-security-bcrypt version 0.3. Use the bcrypt encryption algorithm to hash your users’ passwords with the spring-security-core plugin
  • tropo-webapi-grails version 0.1. Use Tropo’s cloud API to add phone, SMS and Instant Messaging support

There were also several updated plugins:

  • ajaxflow version 0.2.0. Enables Ajaxified Webflows
  • autobase version 0.11.0. Database migrations
  • aws version Provide easy access to simpler functions of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • dojo version Integrates the Dojo javascript toolkit
  • ibatis version 1.3.1. Integrates the MyBatis persistence framework
  • navigation version 1.2. Implements simple menu navigation using convention
  • rabbitmq version 0.3. Integrates with Rabbit MQ messaging
  • sanitizer version 0.6. Sanitizes markup(HTML, XHTML, CSS) using OWASP AntiSamy Filters
  • screencasts version 0.5.1. Allows the upload, management and display of screencasts
  • shiro version 1.1.3. Secure your Grails application quickly and easily using the Apache Shiro security framework
  • spring-security-acl version 1.0.2. ACL support for the Spring Security plugin
  • taggable version 0.6.3. Adds support for associating tags with domain classes

Interesting Tweets


User groups and Conferences

3 Responses to “This Week in Grails (2011-06)”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sébastien Blanc and Burt Beckwith, Houcem Berrayana. Houcem Berrayana said: thank you burt RT @burtbeckwith: This Week in Grails (2011-06) […]

  2. […] Vous pouvez consulter l’article original à l’adresse suivante: […]

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