This Week in Grails (2011-14)

Lots going on this week – there are 23 job listings. And I’ve also noticed that the Grails activity on Stack Overflow has picked up a lot and was rather active this week.

Be sure to check out the VMware webcast on the 12th (this Tueday). I’ve heard a rumor that there will be interesting news for Grails developers 😉

GR8Conf is coming up soon, and more presenter interviews have been published:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 2 new plugins released:

and 10 updated plugins:

  • activemq version 0.3. Embeds ActiveMQ for messaging
  • activiti version 5.4. Integrates the Activiti BPM Suite and workflow system
  • ajaxflow version 0.2.1. Enables Ajaxified Webflows
  • codenarc version 0.12. Static code analysis for Groovy
  • facebook-graph version 0.12. Provides access to the Facebook Graph API and makes easier the development of a single sign-on using the Facebook Authentication proposal.
  • filterpane version 2.0.1. Adds filtering capabilities
  • full-calendar version Adds support for the FullCalendar jQuery plugin
  • gorm-couchdb version 0.9.2. GORM for the CouchDB NoSQL datastore
  • image-cropper version 0.2.1. Tags which provide DEFusion’s Javascript Image Cropper, using Scriptaculous and Prototype to crop an image from one size into another
  • resources version 1.0-RC2. A resource management and processing framework

Interesting Tweets


One Response to “This Week in Grails (2011-14)”

  1. […] this week. Be sure to check out the VMware webcast on the 12th (this Tueday). I've heard a… [full post] Burt An Army of Solipsists thisweekingrailsgrailsgrailsplugingroovy 0 0 […]

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