This Week in Grails (2011-18)

An early version of support for describing DSLs in Groovy-Eclipse was announced this week and there’s already some extensive documentation. This is cool stuff especially for plugin developers since it’s now possible to ship DSLD descriptors that tell STS how to autocomplete arbitrary DSLs. The Database Migration plugin has a Liquibase DSL that closely mirrors the native XML syntax, so I’m hoping it’ll be straightforward to create one for that once I get some time to look at it.

GR8Conf is only one week away, and more presenter interviews have been published:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 3 new plugins released:

  • extjs4 version Provides Ext JS 4 resources
  • extra-validators version 0.2. Provides validators in addition to the default validators
  • cloud-bees version 0.1. Adds scripts to integrate with the CloudBees client API

and 11 updated plugins:

  • extended-validation version 1.0.4. Provides partial validation of (groups) of fields, cascaded validation and instance validators for non-domain objects.
  • flot version 0.2.3. Provides integration with Flot JavaScript plotting library
  • ibatis version 1.3.2. Integrates the MyBatis persistence framework
  • jquery version 1.6. Integrates jQuery
  • jquery-json version 2.2.2. Supplies jQuery JSON resources, and depends on the jQuery plugin to include the core jquery libraries
  • json-rest-api version 1.0.8. JSON RESTful API for GORM
  • paypal version 0.6.3. Adds PayPal integration
  • release version 1.0.0.M1. Publishes Grails plugins either to a public or private repository
  • stella version 1.4. Plugin que integra o framework brasileiro Stella ( para seu projeto grails
  • svn version 1.0.0.M1. Provides SVNKit as a dependency; an SvnClient class that makes it easier to work with Subversion; and integration with the Release plugin
  • view-models version 0.2-SNAPSHOT. Grails support for the MVVM pattern:

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  1. […] Vous pouvez consulter l’article original à l’adresse suivante: […]

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