This Week in Grails (2011-27)

STS 2.7.0 was released this week and it has lots of new features of interest to Groovy and Grails developers: support for Grails 1.4.M1, Grails-aware rename refactoring, Groovy-Eclipse 2.5.1 (including support for Groovy 1.8 and DSLDs), and support for Gradle. It also is now based on Eclipse 3.7 and comes with EGit 1.0.

Congratulations to the Weceem team for their 1.0 release.

I released a new plugin this week that lets you build a runnable JAR from a Grails application with an embedded Tomcat 7 server so you can run your application with java -jar standalone.jar. Check out the blog post for more information.

I stumbled across a site that contains several Groovy screencasts, That’s definitely one to add to your RSS reader.

Also I’ve added a new permalink in the Jobs section, a search for SpringSource jobs at There are currently 47 open positions around the world (unfortunately far too few are Groovy or Grails related).

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 2 new plugins released:

  • quartz-monitor version 0.1. One clear and concise page that enables you to administer all your Quartz jobs
  • standalone version 1.0. Runs a Grails application as a JAR file with an embedded Tomcat server

and 6 updated plugins:

  • db-stuff version 0.4.0. DB schema managment and data import/export
  • export version 1.0. Export domain objects to a variety of formats (CSV, Excel, ODS, PDF, RTF and XML)
  • i18n-fields version 0.5.2. Provides a declarative way of localizing domain classes’ fields for different languages
  • mongodb-morphia version 0.7.3. Alternative MongoDB GORM based on the Morphia library (former gorm-mongodb)
  • sharding version 0.5. Defines multiple database shards to horizontally scale data
  • weceem version 1.0. A content management system

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