This Week in Grails (2012-38)

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 9:45am

We released Grails 2.2 RC1 this week. It has initial support for artifact namespaces, and uses Groovy 2.0. Please start looking now to make sure that your applications and plugins work with Grails 2.2 and Groovy 2.0 so we can identify and fix issues before the final release. Peter Lebrook pointed out that some plugin code is failing to compile in Groovy 2.0 due to it being stricter in certain ways.

The Groovy team released version 2.0.4 to address some issues in 2.0.3.

There has been a lot of interest in the upcoming Grails Hackathon November 9th-11th. It will be coordinated online but some local user groups are getting together to work in-person.

The dates for the 2013 Greach conference in Madrid have been announced – January 25th-26th.

The second pre-release version of Programming Grails is now available; there are four new chapters (for a total of seven). Download the updated version from your O’Reilly account.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were no new plugins released but 12 updated plugins:

  • airbrake version 0.7.1. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • ckeditor version Implements the integration layer between Grails and the CKEditor web rich text editor.
  • countries version 0.4. A way to deal with continents and countries in Grails applications
  • federated-grails version 0.3. Uses Shiro and Shibboleth to integrate into federated authentication
  • jasper version 1.6.0. Enables use of JasperReports
  • modernizr version 2.6.2. Provides the Modernizr Javascript library resource files from
  • newrelic version 0.2. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • plastic-criteria version 0.2. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • searchable version 0.6.4. Adds rich search functionality to Grails domain models
  • shiro-openid version 0.7. Adds OpenID authentication to the Shiro plugin with a set of installable Shiro domain class and openid4java view templates
  • zk version 2.1.0.M2. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications
  • zkui version 0.5.4. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-37)

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 9:30am

Lots of stuff for this week’s post since I was busy last week doing some onsite consulting and didn’t have time to get that one out.

We’ve released version 2.1.1 of Grails, and the Groovy team released versions versions 2.0.2 and 1.8.8. Not to be outdone, the Gradle team released version 1.2 and are planning some cool stuff for 1.3. And the STS team have released version 3.1.0.M1 of STS and GGTS.

If you have an idea for a talk at the 2012 Groovy & Grails eXchange in London, submit it here.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 4 new plugins released:

  • airbrake version 0.4. Notifier plugin for integrating apps with Airbrake
  • retina version 1.0.1. Simple tag for adding inline Retina images to your GSP pages
  • cassandra-astyanax version 0.2.0. Exposes the Astyanax Cassandra client as a Grails service and adds dynamic methods
  • trimmer version 0.1. Trims all form submission inputs

and 18 updated plugins:

  • angularjs-resources version 1.0.2. Adds AngularJS resources to an application
  • app-info version 1.0.2. Provides a UI for inspecting and altering various aspects of the application’s configuration
  • artefact-messaging version 0.3. Adds the message function just as in controllers to services or other arbitrarily defined artefacts
  • bean-fields version 1.0. Provides a suite of tags for rendering form fields for domain and command objects
  • cached-resources version 1.1. Provides a “hash and cache” mapper for the resources framework, automatically creating safe unique filenames for your resources and setting them to eternally cache in the browser
  • concordion version 0.1.2. Provides a convenient integration between the Concordion framework —an open source tool for writing automated acceptance tests in Java— and Grails applications
  • cucumber version 0.6.1. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • email-confirmation version 2.0.6. Sends an email to a user with a link to click to confirm site registration
  • font-awesome-resources version 2.0. Integrates the Font Awesome icon set
  • handlebars-resources version 0.3.1. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • jetty version 2.0.1. Makes Jetty the development time container
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • mongodb-morphia version 0.8.0. Alternative MongoDB GORM based on the Morphia library (former gorm-mongodb)
  • neo4j version 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT. GORM for Neo4j
  • remoting version 1.3. Makes it easy to expose your Grails services to remote clients via RMI, Hessian, Burlap and Spring’s HttpInvoker protocol, and also easily access remote services via the same set of protocols
  • resources version 1.2.RC2. A resource management and processing framework
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.1.1. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files
  • zk version 2.0.4. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications

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This Week in Grails (2012-35)

Wednesday, September 05th, 2012 8:12pm

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 2 new plugins released:

  • debian-packager version 0.1. Creates Debian packages from a Grails application
  • handlebars version 1.0.0. Server side rendering of Handlebars.js templates

and 8 updated plugins:

  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.6. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • geb version 0.7.2. Geb is a library for headless web browsing on the JVM, suitable for automation and functional web testing
  • jmx version 0.7.2. Adds JMX support and provides the ability to expose services and other Spring beans as MBeans
  • jquery-validation-ui version 1.4. Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript
  • rabbitmq version 1.0.0.RC2. Integrates with Rabbit MQ messaging
  • spring-security-taobao version 1.0.9. Integrates the Taobao Open API Authentication with the Spring Security Core plugin
  • xwiki-rendering version 1.0-RC1. Convert texts using XWiki Rendering Framework
  • zk version 2.0.2. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications

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This Week in Grails (2012-34)

Monday, August 27th, 2012 8:49pm

Marco Vermeulen is looking for feedback on his ideas for creating installers for Grails, Griffon and Groovy and also managing multiple versions.

If you’re in the Boston area I’ll be doing two talks at the Boston Grails Users’ Group next week, Thursday the 6th. One will be on the new Cache plugins and the other will be on Using Spring in Grails; both will be previews (and practice for me) for my talks at SpringOne 2GX.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 2 new plugins released:

  • feature-switch version 0.2. Allows turning on and off of features
  • war-exec version 1.0.1. Makes the war files generated by Grails executable (java -jar myapp.war) by embedding Jetty. Jetty can be configured using properties in Config.groovy

and 8 updated plugins:

  • activiti-spring-security version 0.4.9. Integrates Spring Security to Activiti as custom IdentityService
  • content-buffer version 1.0.1. Use this plugin to append page fragments to pre-defined sections in your layout template
  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.5. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • gwt version 0.7.1. Incorporates GWT into Grails
  • hibernate-search version 0.7. Integrates Hibernate Search for domain classes
  • jquery version 1.8.0. Integrates jQuery
  • spring-security-taobao version 1.0.5. Integrates the Taobao Open API Authentication with the Spring Security Core plugin
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.1.0. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files

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This Week in Grails (2012-33)

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 9:33pm

Spring Tool Suite and the new Groovy/Grails Tool Suite were released this week. These are the new variants of SpringSource Tool Suite; the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite comes preconfigured with the Groovy-Eclipe plugin and Grails support preinstalled. In addition everything has been open-sourced and hosted at GitHub. See the information page at for more information and a download link.

Joe Rinehart and the guys at are blogging like crazy about Grails. They’re Cold Fusion developers who are now having fun with Grails and are cranking out posts of interest to Cold Fusion developers but also experienced Grails developers. Check out Why Grails/Groovy? and Grails for CFML Developers for the motivations behind the change in direction, and of course all of the other posts.

Marc Palmer and Stéphane Maldini have released new versions of the platform-core plugin; check out the M3 announcement and the M6 announcement, and the M3 blog post and the M6 blog post. Also see the related posts Better i18n using the p:text tag from Grails Platform-Core and Safer access to request attributes in Grails plugins with Platform-Core.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 2 new plugins released:

  • underscore version 1.3.3. Simple plugin wrapper for useful Underscore.js library
  • xss-sanitizer version 0.1. Sanitizes XSS from user input using the OWASP ESAPI library to sanitize request parameters

and 11 updated plugins:

  • ducksboard-api version 0.2.2. Provides integration with the pull and push API to display metrics in real time
  • external-config-reload version 1.2.1. Polls for changes to external configuration files (files added to grails.config.locations), reloads the configuration when a change has occurred, and notifies specified plugins by firing the onConfigChange event in each
  • federated-grails version 0.2.4. Uses Shiro and Shibboleth to integrate into federated authentication
  • google-visualization version 0.5.5. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • jquery-validation version 1.9. Supplies jQuery Validation resources, and depends on the jQuery plugin to include the core jquery libraries.
  • jquery-validation-ui version 1.3. Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript
  • platform-core version 1.0.M6. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • spring-security-acl version 1.1.1. ACL support for the Spring Security plugin
  • spring-security-taobao version 1.0.3. Integrates the Taobao Open API Authentication with the Spring Security Core plugin
  • standalone version 1.1.1. Runs a Grails application as a JAR file with an embedded Tomcat server
  • twitter-bootstrap version 2.0.4. Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files

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This Week in Grails (2012-32)

Monday, August 13th, 2012 9:04pm

I got a preview of a very cool new tool at GR8Conf US for running Grails commands in a GUI from a freakishly tall attendee (aka “Tall Dave”). It’s a Griffon app that runs Grails commands in a UI. Check out Dave’s blog post where he describes installing and using the tool and the motivation behind it. The source should be available soon but for now download and run the jar file, and be sure to report feature requests to Dave.

I released some plugin updates this week. The standalone plugin now works with either Tomcat or Jetty. It works with Tomcat by default, but if you pass the --jetty flag to the build-standalone script it will embed Jetty instead. And the cloud-foundry plugin now supports Caldecott tunnels. This feature lets you connect to a remote service (e.g. MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc.) and do queries with local clients.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • jsonp version 0.1. Override render method defined for all controller to add parameter callback function name to provide cross domain JSONP RESTful controllers

and 8 updated plugins:

  • cloud-foundry version 1.2.3. Integrates Cloud Foundry’s cloud deployment services to manage the running of Grails applications in the cloud from the command line
  • federated-grails version 0.2.3. Uses Shiro and Shibboleth to integrate into federated authentication
  • google-visualization version 0.5.4. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • gwt version 0.7. Incorporates GWT into Grails
  • html5-mobile-scaffolding version 0.2. Scaffolds HTML5 mobile application using jQuery mobile in a single page
  • recaptcha version 0.5.3. Integrates ReCaptcha and Mailhide services
  • standalone version 1.1. Runs a Grails application as a JAR file with an embedded Tomcat server
  • wslite version Integrates the library

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This Week in Grails (2012-31)

Monday, August 06th, 2012 10:15pm

The big news of this week was GR8Conf US 2012 in Minneapolis. It was quite a lot bigger than last year with four(!) tracks and apparently over 160 attendees. Watch Shaun Jurgemeyer’s Github repo where talk slides and code are being collected. Many thanks to Shaun and the other organizers and volunteers for another fun GR8Conf.

There are already a few blog posts up; check out Bobby Warner’s discussion of his “Contributing Back To Grails” talk and Andrew Eisenberg’s post on working with DSLs and DSLDs in Groovy-Eclipse

There was a lot of twitter activity – you can search on the #gr8conf hashtag. Here are some that I found interesting:

There was non-GR8Conf news too 🙂 I had some time at the airport after getting voluntarily bumped twice so I worked on a new release of the standalone plugin. I fixed all open issues and completely rewrote the approach used for working with the Tomcat jar files, so there shouldn’t be any more issues with the plugin causing conflicts with the application.

Not long after the 1.0 release, the Gradle team have released version 1.1.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 4 new plugins released:

  • google-plus version 0.1. Provides utilities to interact with the Google Plus API
  • html5-mobile-scaffolding version 0.1. Scaffolds HTML5 mobile application using jQuery mobile in a single page
  • newrelic version 0.1. Adds the NewRelic Real User Monitoring feature to your GSP pages
  • slug-generator version 0.1. Generates unique slugs for String properties, for example to generate unique ‘nice’ urls for access to domain objects

and 11 updated plugins:

  • fields version 1.3. Customizable form-field rendering based on overrideable GSP template
  • geb version 0.7.1. Geb is a library for headless web browsing on the JVM, suitable for automation and functional web testing
  • jquery-validation-ui version 1.2.4. Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript
  • oauth version 2.0.3. Provides easy interaction with OAuth service providers
  • page-resources version 0.1.2. Enhances the resources plugin by allowing for creation of ‘page’ resource modules using convention over configuration
  • release version 2.0.4. Publishes Grails plugins either to a public or private repository
  • sendgrid version 0.4. Allows the sending of Email via SendGrid’s services
  • shiro-openid version 0.5. Adds OpenID authentication to the Shiro plugin with a set of installable Shiro domain class and openid4java view templates
  • simpledb version 0.4. Integrates the AWS SimpleDB datastore into Grails, providing a GORM API onto it
  • standalone version 1.0.1. Runs a Grails application as a JAR file with an embedded Tomcat server
  • zkui version 0.5.3. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-30)

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012 10:12am

Not one, not two, but three Groovy releases happened this week. How are we supposed to keep up with all of these? 🙂

The DailyGrailsTip Twitter account has been consistently interesting with one tweet a day of useful Grails tips. Follow the account if you haven’t yet.

Tomás Lin pointed out that AppFog announced their pricing and it looks compelling – there’s even a free option. It looks like a solid option for hosting Grails apps, with an option for 24/7 support.

This week was a bit slow news-wise, but I’m sure there will be a lot of interesting stuff from GR8Conf US for next week’s post.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • events-push version 1.0.M1. A client-side event bus based on the portable push library Atmosphere that propagates events from the server-side event bus to the browser

and 6 updated plugins:

  • ajaxflow version 0.2.4. Enables Ajaxified Webflows
  • events-si version 1.0.M2. Standard Events system for Grails implementation; it is a Spring Integration implementation and uses its artefacts to map listeners, senders and events messages
  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.4. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • platform-core version 1.0.M2. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • shiro-openid version 0.4. Adds OpenID authentication to the Shiro plugin with a set of installable Shiro domain class and openid4java view templates
  • spring-security-openid version 1.0.4. OpenID authentication support for the Spring Security plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-29)

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012 3:26am

Everyone should check out this informative article on Cyclomatic Complexity in Groovy code. I find that people often tend to get pretty lazy when writing code in Groovy and worry less about code quality since Groovy eliminates so much of the clutter and ceremony. But it’s still important to write great code, so having tools like GMetrics and CodeNarc to do automated quality checks can help a lot to keep us honest.

I can’t believe that GR8Conf US 2012 is next week! I’ve got to get started on those presentations 😉

I thought this image (based on the “Yo Dawg” meme) about the plugin-config plugin was pretty funny.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 3 new plugins released:

  • context-param version 1.0. Automatically adds parameters specified as @ContextParam on a controller to redirect calls
  • glassfish version 0.1.2. Makes Glassfish the default app server during development
  • page-resources version 0.1.1. Enhances the resources plugin by allowing for creation of “page” resource modules using convention over configuration

and 12 updated plugins:

  • export version 1.5. Export domain objects to a variety of formats (CSV, Excel, ODS, PDF, RTF and XML)
  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.3. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • flash-helper version 0.9.3. Simplifies and standardizes the process of adding/reading messages in the flash scope
  • google-analytics version 2.0. Provides a simple taglib to embed Google Analytics pageview tracking to your Grails application
  • hibernate-filter version 0.3.2. Integrates Hibernate Filters with Grails
  • infinispan version 1.0.3. Adds support for the JBoss Infinispan distributed cache
  • jetty version 2.0.0. Makes Jetty the development time container
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • mybatis version 0.0.2. Provides MyBatis support
  • paypal version 0.6.8. Adds PayPal integration
  • simple-captcha version 0.9.1. Creates simple image CAPTCHAs that protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms
  • spring-security-cas version 1.0.5. Jasig CAS support for the Spring Security plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-28)

Monday, July 16th, 2012 10:01pm

Spring Tool Suite (STS) and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) version 3.0.0.M3 was released this week.

Tomás Lin wrote three interesting blog posts this week:

and he also pointed out a new Twitter account that will be tweeting helpful Grails tips, @dailygrailstip.

Nicholas Hagen also had three blog posts this week, a series on using the improved Maven support in Grails 2.1:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • teamcity version 1.0.3. Provides build status and test run integration with TeamCity

and 6 updated plugins:

  • activiti version 5.9. Integrates the Activiti BPM Suite and workflow system
  • activiti-spring-security version 0.4.8. Integrates Spring Security to Activiti as custom IdentityService
  • ducksboard-api version 0.2.1. Provides integration with the pull and push API to display metrics in real time
  • dustjs-resources version 0.8. Supports server-side compilation of .dust template files to their .js counterparts
  • spring-security-cas version 1.0.4. Jasig CAS support for the Spring Security plugin
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.9. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin

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