A Grails Plugin for Twitter

I’ve recently started using Twitter, late to the party as usual 🙂 So when somebody asked a question this weekend on the Grails User mailing list about using the JTwitter API, I took a look at it and being the easily-distracted person that I am, started playing with it.1

This seemed like something that people might want to have available as a plugin, so I created a simple implementation, basically just a Service to wrap the JTwitter API and a TagLib to help with rendering, plus a sample Controller and GSPs.

Check out the plugin’s wiki page for installation instructions, usage, etc. If you find this useful and discover bugs or want to suggest new features, send an email to the Grails User mailing list or create an issue in JIRA.

  1. Actually I have the attention span of a gnat – someone else asked this weekend about integrating Facebook logins with a Grails app so I spent a few hours adding that to the Acegi (Spring Security) plugin[back]

One Response to “A Grails Plugin for Twitter”

  1. thanks for this post,
    i worder if you have tested this plugin (Grails twittter ) in the Google App Engine

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