Archive for December 28th, 2008

Performance issues with GString logging

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

Everybody knows about wrapping Log4j log.debug() statements in if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {} blocks to make sure that the message being sent to the log method isn’t evaluated unnecessarily if the DEBUG level isn’t enabled for the logger. This is true in regular Java apps as well as Groovy/Grails apps.

For example, suppose you have large Collection foo and you log it with a logger whose level is set to INFO:

log.debug("foo is " + foo);

This will concatenate "foo is " with foo.toString() but then discard the combined string since the logger isn’t at the DEBUG level. If there are a lot of these debug statements in your code then you’ll waste a lot of cycles concatenating strings, especially if you’re logging in loops. This is trivially fixed with this though:

if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
   log.debug("foo is " + foo);

But if there’s no string concatenation and evaluation, then you don’t need to wrap the call – the cost of a discarded log() invocation is about the same as the isDebugEnabled() test;

log.debug("just a simple string");

incurs next to zero overhead.

Enter Groovy. What happens if you use a GString, e.g.:

log.debug "foo is ${foo}"

It turns out that this needs to be wrapped also, since although GStrings are lazy evaluated, they must be converted to a String for the debug() invocation, so you’re right back where you started. To test this, try out this code in a Groovy/Grails console.

Note that to test whether toString() is called there’s a println statement in toString():

import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.log4j.Logger

class Thing {
  String toString() {
    println "calling thing tostring"
    return "a thing"

def thing = new Thing()

def log = Logger.getLogger('foo')
log.level = Level.INFO
log.debug "Debug: Thing: $thing"
log.error "Error: Thing: $thing"

When running this the output to the shell is

[2344] foo Error: Thing: a thing

and in the console is

calling thing tostring

so it didn’t log the debug message, but it did log the error message since it’s above the INFO level that the logger is set at. But it only printed the message from the toString() method once, meaning it didn’t evaluate the GString in the debug message. Hmmm.

Turns out I was wrong in an earlier assumption – the signatures of the various Logger methods take an Object, not a String, e.g.

public void debug(Object message)


public void debug(Object message, Throwable t)

So there’s nothing to evaluate, and the GString is discarded. Cool – Groovy to the rescue, no performance issues with logging GStrings.

I wondered though what it would take to coerce a GString to a String:

This doesn’t; nothing gets printed:

log.debug "Debug: Thing: $thing" + " now"

This also doesn’t, since it’s concatenating two GStrings:

log.debug "Debug: Thing: $thing at " + "${System.currentTimeMillis()}"

This does trigger toString() since it’s no longer concatenating strings:

log.debug "Debug: Thing: $thing at " + System.currentTimeMillis()

and of course

String message = "Debug: Thing: $thing"
log.debug message

triggers toString() since it explicitly creates a String.

So it turns out that you’d pretty much have to work at causing a performance issue with logging GStrings.

Annotations in Grails Controllers

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

Grails has support for enforcing that a controller method is called via GET or POST using the ‘allowedMethods’ map, e.g.

def allowedMethods = [delete: 'POST', save: 'POST', update: 'POST']

This works well but is somewhat restrictive. Grails decides how to handle a caller making a GET request when POST is required and vice versa – it sends a 405 error.

But if you want some other behavior in this case, or want to check other preconditions (other than security checks, those are much better left to proper security frameworks) then you need to implement the checks yourself, and Grails filters make the most sense.

That leaves the question of how to declare the rules. The “Grails Way”tm would be to define a Map, List, or a DSL block in the controller class that contains all of the rules for the class, but I think that annotations are the way to go here. Annotations have limitations; they can get way out of control. I converted a fairly complicated Spring/Hibernate application that used hbm files to be annotation-based, and ended up with about as much code in the annotations as I replaced in the XML – not much of a reduction.

Recently I was working on creating a site map and some automated security testing so I went through all of the controllers and noted their urls. I tested each one with a browser, issuing a GET request for each. Many failed, assuming that they’d be called via POST with required parameters that were missing, or failed less badly assuming they’re be called via Ajax and only sending a partial page or JSON response. So I created some annotations, RequiresPost and RequiresAjax to guard these. I’m not sure yet what the proper handling of using the wrong request method or type should be, but this conveniently puts that handling code in one place (and separates it from the controllers as a cross-cutting concern).

In this case the annotations are pretty simple, and are declared either at the method or class level. And since they’re declared where they’re used, they’re highly self-documenting – it’s clear looking at the method which rules apply, or that none apply.

Here are the annotations:


import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * Indicates that a service method (or entire controller) requires
 * being called using POST.
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface RequiresPost {

   * Whether to display an error or be silent (default).
   * @return  <code>true</code> if an error should be shown
  boolean error() default false;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * Indicates that a service method (or entire controller) requires
 * being called by Ajax.
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface RequiresAjax {

   * Whether to display an error or be silent (default).
   * @return  <code>true</code> if an error should be shown
  boolean error() default false;

and a couple of sample controllers using them. First, one that requires that all actions be called via Ajax:

class PopupController {

  def viewFoo = {
    def foo = Foo.get(
    render foo as JSON

  def viewThing = {
    def thing = Thing.get(
    [thing: thing]

and another that requires Post or Ajax on a per-action basis:

class SignupController {

  def index = {

   * Ajax call to monitor upload status.
  def uploadInfo = {
    def data = ...
    render data as JSON

   * Ajax post to perform search.
  @RequiresAjax @RequiresPost
  def searchResults = {
    def results = ...
    render results as JSON

So how do we enforce the behavior specified by the annotations? With a Grails filter:


class SiteFilters {

  def filters = {

    ajaxAndPostRequired(controller: '*', action:'*') {
      before = {
        boolean ok = true

        if (!request.xhr &&
            ControllerAnnotationHelper.requiresAjax(controllerName, actionName)) {
          ok = false

        if (ok) {
          if (! &&
              ControllerAnnotationHelper.requiresPost(controllerName, actionName)) {
            ok = false

        if (!ok) {
          render text: '', template: null, contentType: 'text/plain'
          return false

        return true

This checks in the before() closure whether POST is required and used and whether Ajax is required and used. If either condition isn’t met, it renders a blank page and returns false, which indicates that no further processing should happen.

This isn’t necessarily the final implementation of this check, but changing site-wide behavior only requires changing this single file. Also note that the annotations support an error attribute indicating whether an error should be reported; this is currently not implemented.

One other missing piece is how to detect Ajax. Most of the popular Ajax frameworks have standardized on indicating that a request was made via Ajax by setting the X-Requested-With request header to XMLHttpRequest, so we can add an isXhr() method to the HttpServletRequest metaclass:

if (!HttpServletRequest.metaClass.hasMetaMethod('isXhr')) {
  HttpServletRequest.metaClass.isXhr = { ->
    'XMLHttpRequest' == delegate.getHeader('X-Requested-With')

in BootStrap.groovy or in a plugin.

Finally, here’s the helper class that scans the controllers looking for annotations. This would be best in a plugin, but we currently have it implemented as a standalone class that’s triggered in BootStrap.groovy, calling init() when the application starts up. I’m intentionally using generics in type declarations, even though Groovy ignores them, to document the collection types. I’m getting increasingly frustrated with the Grails/Groovy “everything is an Object” approach that often makes it hard to figure out what parameters to send and what method return values are, but that’s another blog post …


import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder as AH

class ControllerAnnotationHelper {

  private static Map<String, Map<String, List<Class>>> _actionMap = [:]
  private static Map<String, Class> _controllerAnnotationMap = [:]

   * Find controller annotation information. Called by BootStrap.init().
  static void init() {

    AH.application.controllerClasses.each { controllerClass ->
      def clazz = controllerClass.clazz
      String controllerName = WordUtils.uncapitalize(
      mapClassAnnotation clazz, RequiresAjax, controllerName
      mapClassAnnotation clazz, RequiresPost, controllerName

      Map<String, List<Class>> annotatedClosures = findAnnotatedClosures(
          clazz, RequiresAjax, RequiresPost)
      if (annotatedClosures) {
        _actionMap[controllerName] = annotatedClosures

  // for testing
  static void reset() {

  // for testing
  static Map<String, Map<String, List<Class>>> getActionMap() {
    return _actionMap

  // for testing
  static Map<String, Class> getControllerAnnotationMap() {
    return _controllerAnnotationMap

  private static void mapClassAnnotation(clazz, annotationClass, controllerName) {
    if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass)) {
      def list = _controllerAnnotationMap[controllerName] ?: []
      list << annotationClass
      _controllerAnnotationMap[controllerName] = list

   * Check if the specified controller action requires Ajax.
   * @param controllerName  the controller name
   * @param actionName  the action name (closure name)
  static boolean requiresAjax(String controllerName, String actionName) {
    return requiresAnnotation(RequiresAjax, controllerName, actionName)

   * Check if the specified controller action requires POST.
   * @param controllerName  the controller name
   * @param actionName  the action name (closure name)
  static boolean requiresPost(String controllerName, String actionName) {
    return requiresAnnotation(RequiresPost, controllerName, actionName)

  private static boolean requiresAnnotation(Class annotationClass,
      String controllerName, String actionName) {

    // see if the controller has the annotation
    def annotations = _controllerAnnotationMap[controllerName]
    if (annotations && annotations.contains(annotationClass)) {
      return true

    // otherwise check the action
    Map<String, List<Class>> controllerClosureAnnotations =
            _actionMap[controllerName] ?: [:]
    List<Class> annotationClasses = controllerClosureAnnotations[actionName]
    return annotationClasses && annotationClasses.contains(annotationClass)

  private static Map<String, List<Class>> findAnnotatedClosures(
      Class clazz, Class... annotationClasses) {

    // since action closures are defined as "def foo = ..." they're
    // fields, but they end up private
    def map = [:]
    for (field in clazz.declaredFields) {
      def fieldAnnotations = []
      for (annotationClass in annotationClasses) {
        if (field.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass)) {
          fieldAnnotations << annotationClass
      if (fieldAnnotations) {
        map[] = fieldAnnotations

    return map

This approach can help centralize request method handling, but more generically also provides some template code for defining and processing other annotations in a Grails app.

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