Archive for January 2nd, 2009

An internal error occurred while showing an internal error

Friday, January 02nd, 2009

I get this a lot using the Groovy/Grails Eclipse plugin at work:

An internal error occurred while showing an internal error

This reminds me of that line from Brazil – “My complications had complications.”

Yes I’ve tried Netbeans and IntelliJ – they’re nice but I don’t want to re-learn an IDE, I’ve spent a lot of time with Eclipse and other than the Groovy plugin, it does what I need and very well. And yes I’ve played with memory settings in eclipse.ini.

I have several Grails apps in my workspace, so I try to keep open only the ones that I’m actively using to avoid memory issues. But eventually memory gets screwy, and I get to restart Eclipse again. Yay!

I’m definitely looking forward to SpringSource allocating resources to improving the plugin now that they’ve aquired G2One – should help tremendously.

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