This Week in Grails (2012-08)

Check out Mike Hugo’s cool screencast demonstrating the AutoTest plugin. The plugin looks great – I’m a big fan of anything that makes testing easier, quicker, or more intuitive.

I released a version of the database-session plugin that actually works (the version 1.0 release should have been a snapshot). I created it to be able to deploy apps on Heroku and run multiple web server instances (they don’t support session affinity or clustering) but it’s usable any time you want to store session data in a database or other datastore. In fact Masatoshi Hayashi has created a variant of the plugin that uses MongoDB and I’ll be working with him to get that released soon. Anybody want to write one that uses Redis or Memcached?

I’ll also be working with Alex Shneyderman to get a release of the hibernate-filter plugin out this week. It’s almost ready to go and works with Grails 2.0 apps, so it should be out soon.

If you haven’t already, check out my post Using Servlet 3.0 Async Features in Grails 2.0. Note that Tomcat 7.0.26 was released this week and it fixes a serious bug when deploying servlet 3.0 applications that would cause an OOME unless you disabled scanning for annotated web.xml classes.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There were 3 new plugins released:

  • delicious version 0.1. Integration with the API
  • grails-runtime-docs version 1.0.0-M1. Generates both Java and Groovy documentation for a project, also displaying the dynamic methods and properties added to artifacts along with their source information
  • zendesk version 1.0.1. Interface to Zendesk support system via their API

and 17 updated plugins:

  • ajax-uploader version 1.1. Tag Library which implements Andrew Valum’s excellent file uploader
  • build-test-data version 2.0.1. Enables the easy creation of test data by automatic inspection of constraints
  • database-session version 1.1.2. Stores HTTP sessions in a database
  • equals-hashcode-test version 0.2-spock-0.5-groovy-1.7. Base Spock specification for testing equals and hashCode methods of domain classes and other Groovy objects
  • file-viewer version 0.3. Provides a user-friendly way to view folders and files
  • functional-test version 2.0-M1. Functional web testing using HtmlUnit to simulate the client browser
  • heroku version 1.0.1. Integrates Heroku’s cloud platform
  • joda-time version 1.4. Integrates the Joda Time date/time library into Grails
  • jxl version 0.51. Export data to Excel using the JXL library
  • localizable version 0.3. A wrapper for Google Maps geocoding service
  • mongodb-morphia version 0.7.8. Alternative MongoDB GORM based on the Morphia library (former gorm-mongodb)
  • multi-tenant-single-db version 0.8.2. Multi tenant setup focused on single database mode
  • simple-blog version 0.2.0. Adds a simple blog interface to an application
  • vaadin version 1.5.3. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • zk version 2.0.0.M5. Adds ZK Ajax framework ( support to Grails applications
  • zk-hibernate version 2.0.0.M5. Hibernate support for ZKGrails
  • zkui version 0.5. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

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