This Week in Grails (2012-30)

Not one, not two, but three Groovy releases happened this week. How are we supposed to keep up with all of these? 🙂

The DailyGrailsTip Twitter account has been consistently interesting with one tweet a day of useful Grails tips. Follow the account if you haven’t yet.

Tomás Lin pointed out that AppFog announced their pricing and it looks compelling – there’s even a free option. It looks like a solid option for hosting Grails apps, with an option for 24/7 support.

This week was a bit slow news-wise, but I’m sure there will be a lot of interesting stuff from GR8Conf US for next week’s post.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

Translations of this post:


There was one new plugin released:

  • events-push version 1.0.M1. A client-side event bus based on the portable push library Atmosphere that propagates events from the server-side event bus to the browser

and 6 updated plugins:

  • ajaxflow version 0.2.4. Enables Ajaxified Webflows
  • events-si version 1.0.M2. Standard Events system for Grails implementation; it is a Spring Integration implementation and uses its artefacts to map listeners, senders and events messages
  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.4. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • platform-core version 1.0.M2. Provides functionality for plugins to use to achieve greater integration with each other and with applications
  • shiro-openid version 0.4. Adds OpenID authentication to the Shiro plugin with a set of installable Shiro domain class and openid4java view templates
  • spring-security-openid version 1.0.4. OpenID authentication support for the Spring Security plugin

Interesting Tweets


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