Archive for the Category 'ThisWeekInGrails'

This Week in Grails (2012-24)

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

Groovy 2.0 RC3 was released this week.

Rob’s at it again with a cool updated variant on Grails scaffolding, this time using AngularJS. Check out the demo app here.

Plugin developers should be sure to upgrade to the latest version (2.0.3) of the release plugin. Peter updated it so the error messages are more helpful. Register it in BuildConfig.groovy like this (explicitly listing the release plugin’s rest-client-builder dependency so they’re both properly excluded with export = false):

plugins {
   build(':release:2.0.3', ':rest-client-builder:1.0.2') {
      export = false

Spring Tool Suite (the new name for the IDE formerly known as Springsource Tool Suite) 3.0.0.M2 was released this week. Download here (click “Other Downloads >”). As of this version there will be two distributions, the traditional one and the “Groovy/Grails Tool Suite”. It’s a smaller version without all of the plugins in the other distribution (but you can manually install them) but it comes preconfigured for Groovy and Grails development: Groovy-Eclipse with Groovy 1.8, Grails IDE, tc Server integration, and runtimes for tc Server Developer Edition 2.7.0 and Grails 2.0.4.

Tim Yates is working on an interesting project.

Registration is now open for SpringOne2GX 2012, and the schedule should be updated later this week. Register by July 21st and save $400.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • address version 0.1. An address domain object that can be embedded in other domain object to save redefining it all the time

and 4 updated plugins:

  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.2. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • release version 2.0.3. Publishes Grails plugins either to a public or private repository
  • vaadin version 1.5.4. Adds Vaadin ( integration
  • zkui version 0.5.2. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-23)

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

GR8Conf EU was this week in Copenhagen, and it was a lot of fun. The organizers really raised the bar this year by brewing beer for the conference (and not one but two kinds). You can see most of the presentation slides here by clicking through to each talk.

Some of the organizers of the Greach conference were there and apparantly they’re planning on adding extending the size of this year’s conference, and all of the talks will be in English.

Of course there was a lot of activity on Twitter (search the #gr8conf hashtag):

One big item of note was that Griffon 1.0.0 was released live during one of Andres’ talks. Congrats to the Griffon team for this significant milestone. And coincidentally my copy of Griffon in Action arrived today.

Check out Mr. Haki’s conference report in three parts; University Day, Day One, and Day Two, and Andres Almiray’s conference blog post.

Not to be outdone by the Griffon team, the Gradle team announced today that they have
released version 1.0.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 7 new plugins released:

  • authorise version 1.2. Provides a framework for authorising actions in Controllers, methods in Services and visible elements in GSPs
  • ember version Provides resources definitions for Ember.js
  • errors version 0.7. Sets up some basic error handling for your application
  • handlebars-resources version 0.1. Supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin
  • hd-image-utils version 0.3. High quality image manipulation plugin for scaling and cropping images. Uses the pure Java java-image-scaling library
  • mongo-file version 1.1.1. Provides a MongoFileService that saves, retrieves and deletes files from a MongoDB file store
  • shiro-openid version 0.3. Adds OpenID authentication to the Shiro plugin with a set of installable Shiro domain class and openid4java view templates

and 10 updated plugins:

  • avatar version 0.6.2. Provides a taglib for displaying avatars
  • bootstrap-file-upload version 2.1.1. Integrates Sebastian Tschan’s Jquery File Upload (
  • dojo version Integrates the Dojo javascript toolkit
  • facebook-sdk version 0.3.0. Allows your application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect)
  • faker version 0.6. A port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • jesque version 0.4.0. Groovier approach to using jesque
  • jesque-web version 0.4.0. Web interface to view and manage jesque queues, jobs and workers
  • jquery version 1.7.2. Integrates jQuery
  • portlets version 0.9.2. Aims to provide a simple way of developing JSR-168 portlets
  • sendgrid version 0.3. Allows the sending of Email via SendGrid’s services

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This Week in Grails (2012-22)

Monday, June 04th, 2012

Groovy 2.0 RC1 and RC2 were released this week. Lots of cool stuff there, including static type checking and static compilation, and support for InvokeDynamic. Grails 2.2 will use Groovy 2.0.

Stéphane Maldini created a demo app (source here) using “CloudFoundry, RabbitMQ, BackboneJS, Coffeescript, and the new 3 Events Bus plugins (platform-core, events-si and events-push)” based on Lauri Piispanen’s blog post.

I did a post this week on using AST transformations with the Spring Security plugin, Make your Spring Security @Secured annotations more DRY.

A couple more GR8Conf interviews:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • apache-pivot-grails version 1.0.5. Use Apache Pivot 2.x features on the Server side and forward Pivot jars to Clients for Applets and Java Web Start Applications

and 3 updated plugins:

  • openid version 0.4.4. Provides simple authentication using OpenID
  • resources version 1.2-RC1. A resource management and processing framework
  • simple-captcha version 0.9.0. Creates simple image CAPTCHAs that protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms

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This Week in Grails (2012-21)

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Grails 2.1 RC2 was released this week and it has several fixes including some addressing issues found in last week’s RC1 release. Grails 2.0.4 was also released, along with 1.3.9 to address a security issue

Ted Naleid did a writeup of an approach to dealing with test pollution, where a test suite can pass in one run but fail in another if the tests run in a different order. This can be very frustrating and hard to fix, so this is a great resource.

GR8Conf is coming up soon (starts next week!) and there was one speaker interview this week:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • inflector version 0.1. Provides tags to simplify common text inflections, e.g. plural and singular words

and 17 updated plugins:

  • browser-detection version 0.4.1. Provides a service and tag library for browser detection
  • cache version 1.0.0.RC1. Adds request, service method, and taglib caching
  • cloud-foundry version 1.2.2. Integrates Cloud Foundry’s cloud deployment services to manage the running of Grails applications in the cloud from the command line
  • cloud-support version 1.0.11. Support plugin to help cloud plugins update service provider connection information from the cloud environment
  • flash-helper version 0.9.1. Simplifies and standardizes the process of adding/reading messages in the flash scope
  • google-visualization version 0.5.2. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • jslint version 0.5. Run JsLint on javascript files
  • localizations version 1.4.2. Store i18n strings in a database
  • quartz version 1.0-RC2. Schedules jobs to be executed with a specified interval or cron expression using the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler
  • quartz-monitor version 0.2. One clear and concise page that enables you to administer all your Quartz jobs
  • quartz2 version 0.2.3. Integration with Quartz 2 framework from
  • simple-captcha version 0.8.5. Creates simple image CAPTCHAs that protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.8. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • spring-security-ldap version 1.0.6. LDAP authentication support for the Spring Security plugin
  • spring-security-oauth version Adds OAuth-based authentication to the Spring Security plugin using the OAuth plugin
  • stripe version 1.1. Use Stripe to process credit card transactions
  • translate version 1.3.0. Translates text from one language to another using the Microsoft Translator API

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This Week in Grails (2012-20)

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Grails 2.1 RC1 was released this week. As always you should look at upgrading to 2.1 now to find issues earlier rather than later.

Please try out the cache plugins. They should be pretty stable, and we’ll have better support and documentation for migrating from the springcache plugin soon.

GR8Conf EU is in just a few weeks – be sure to get your ticket soon. There was one speaker interview this week:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • dustjs-resources version 0.2. Supports server-side compilation of .dust template files to their .js counterparts

and 10 updated plugins:

  • bootstrap-file-upload version 2.1.0. Integrates Sebastian Tschan’s Jquery File Upload (
  • eclipse-scripts version 1.0.6. Downloads and links sources and javadocs for dependencies from public repositories
  • export version 1.3. Export domain objects to a variety of formats (CSV, Excel, ODS, PDF, RTF and XML)
  • fitnesse version 2.0.4. Makes it possible to use the popular Open Source testing framework Fitnesse in combination with Grails.
  • functional-spock version 0.6. Allows you to write and run Spock specs under the functional test scope
  • google-visualization version 0.5.1. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • random version 0.2. Wraps the high-performance, statistically sound Uncommons Maths Pseudorandom Number Generators
  • redis version 1.3.1. Provides integration with a Redis datastore
  • release version 2.0.2. Publishes Grails plugins either to a public or private repository
  • routing version 1.2.2. Send and route messages to a wide variety of destination endpoints directly from your Controllers and Services using Camel

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This Week in Grails (2012-19)

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

We’re getting ready to release Grails 2.1, with a release candidate hopefully this week. The cache plugins I mentioned last week will be released around the same time, and the ‘core’ cache plugin will be a default plugin in BuildConfig.groovy. I released an update of the database-migration plugin to address some bugs that were keeping that from being a default plugin, so that will also be included by default in BuildConfig.groovy.

I’ve been working on a Grails book to be published this fall. The plan is that it will be an advanced book, and presume that you already have experience with Grails or another similar framework in Java or another language and are looking for more detail and best practices. It’s going to be available soon in an early-access digital format so you can follow the progress and help the book by finding mistakes and making suggestions.

A few more GR8Conf EU interviews:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 6 new plugins released:

  • closure-templates-resources version 0.1. Supports server-side compilation of .soy template files to JavaScript files
  • jquery-mobile-metro version 0.1. Plugin jQuery mobile framework Metro UI theme resource files
  • jrimum-bopepo version 0.2. Allows you to create Boletos Bancarios for Banks of Brazil using the Jrimum Bopepo library
  • plastic-criteria version 0.1. Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
  • split-test version 0.4. An A/B testing framework designed to work with Grails
  • spring-security-oauth version Adds OAuth-based authentication to the Spring Security plugin using the OAuth plugin

and 14 updated plugins:

  • asynchronous-mail version 0.6. Send email asynchronously by storing them in the database and sending with a Quartz job
  • cache version 1.0.0.M2. Adds request, service method, and taglib caching
  • cache-ehcache version 1.0.0.M2. An Ehcache-based implementation of the Cache plugin
  • cache-redis version 1.0.0.M2. A Redis-based implementation of the Cache plugin
  • database-migration version 1.1. Official Grails plugin for database migrations
  • external-config-reload version 1.2.0. Polls for changes to external configuration files (files added to grails.config.locations), reloads the configuration when a change has occurred, and notifies specified plugins by firing the onConfigChange event in each
  • faker version 0.5. A port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • hibernate-search version 0.6.1. Integrates Hibernate Search for domain classes
  • lesscss-resources version Optimises the use of css files, compiling .less files into their .css counterprt, and place the css into the processing chain to be available to the other resource plugin features
  • pusher version 0.4. Wrapper for REST api
  • spring-batch version 0.2.2. Provides the Spring Batch framework and convention based Jobs
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.7.4. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin
  • spring-security-twitter version 0.4.3. Twitter authentication as extension to the Spring Security Core plugin
  • zkui version 0.5.1. Seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails’ infrastructures; uses the Grails’ infrastructures such as GSP, controllers rather than zk’s zul as in ZKGrails plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-18)

Wednesday, May 09th, 2012

The details for SpringOne 2GX 2012 are now online, it will be in Washington, DC this year, October 15th-18th.

The MongoDB plugin went 1.0 this week.

Jeff and I have been working on the cache plugin, which uses the new Spring cache abstraction and isn’t coupled to a particular implementation. The ‘core’ plugin has an in-memory implementation, but you’ll want to use one of the extension plugins for a more robust version. These currently include the Ehcache and Redis plugins and we’re working on one that uses Gemfire. All three plugins are available now and documentation will be available soon.

STS 3.0.0.M1 was released this week.

A couple more GR8Conf EU speaker interviews:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 6 new plugins released:

  • bootstrap-crumbs version 1.0.0. Provide simple breadcrumb functionality using the twitter bootstrap library
  • cache version 1.0.0.M1. Adds request, service method, and taglib caching
  • cache-ehcache version 1.0.0.M1. An Ehcache-based implementation of the Cache plugin
  • cache-redis version 1.0.0.M1. A Redis-based implementation of the Cache plugin
  • seofriendly-urls version 1.0.2. Helps to easily convert any string into a SEO-friendly one, eg from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ to ‘the-lord-of-the-rings’
  • github-gist version 0.1. Uploads code snippets from a Grails project to GitHub Gists so you can easily share tested code in blog posts, etc.

and 9 updated plugins:

  • bootstrap-file-upload version 2.0.0. Integrates Sebastian Tschan’s Jquery File Upload (
  • coffeescript-resources version 0.3.2. Create coffeescript modules that automatically compiles on every file change with jCoffeeScript
  • cucumber version 0.5.0. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • export version 1.2. Export domain objects to a variety of formats (CSV, Excel, ODS, PDF, RTF and XML)
  • hibernate-search version 0.5.1. Integrates Hibernate Search for domain classes
  • horn-jquery version 1.0.57. Provides resources and tags to use the HORN specification for embedding your JS data model in your HTML pages
  • mongodb version 1.0.0.GA. Aims to provide an object-mapping layer on top of MongoDB
  • shiro-oauth version 0.2. Adds OAuth-based authentication to the Shiro plugin using the Scribe OAuth plugin
  • tomcat-bundler version 0.0.3. Simplifies bundling application with Tomcat to create a whole package to be used by hosting

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This Week in Grails (2012-17)

Tuesday, May 01st, 2012

Check out this post on using Shiro to secure a Grails application. The Spring Security plugins are much more widely used but Shiro is an excellent security framework and deserves a lot more attention in the Grails community.

Not strictly Grails-related, but an interesting read on using WebSockets in Tomcat 7.

And not even coding-related, but here are two funny Tumbler sites that should be in your RSS reader: Texts From Dog and one tiny hand.

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There was one new plugin released:

  • yammer-metrics version 2.1.2-1. Packages Coda Hale’s yammer metrics jars

and 9 updated plugins:

  • ckeditor version Implements the integration layer between Grails and the CKEditor web rich text editor.
  • dojo version Integrates the Dojo javascript toolkit
  • fitnesse version 2.0.3. Makes it possible to use the popular Open Source testing framework Fitnesse in combination with Grails.
  • marshallers version 0.2. Easy registration and usage of custom XML and JSON marshallers supporting hierarchical configurations
  • oauth version 2.0.1. Provides easy interaction with OAuth service providers
  • pusher version 0.3. Wrapper for REST api
  • redis version 1.3. Provides integration with a Redis datastore
  • spring-batch version 0.2.1. Provides the Spring Batch framework and convention based Jobs
  • spring-security-facebook version 0.7.3. Plugin for Facebook Authentication, as extension to Grails Spring Security Core plugin

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This Week in Grails (2012-16)

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

The April edition of the Java Tech Journal is all about Groovy; check out the table of contents:

  • Making JavaFX Groovier – Easy Development of JavaFx 2.x Applications, Dean Iverson
  • Contracts for Groovy – GContracts: A Design by Contract Extension for Groovy, Andre Steingress
  • Grails: Beyond the Quickstart – Is Grails Suitable for the Java Enterprise? You Bet!, Peter Ledbrook
  • Griffon: Desktop Development – The Fun Way – Building Desktop Applications with Groovy, Andres Almiray
  • ‘coz Concurrency is Groovy! – GPars: Parallel Systems Made Java-friendly, Václav Pech
  • “The Ecosystem Is a Key Asset to Groovy’s Success” – Interview with Groovy Project Lead Guillaume Laforge

Check out this week’s GR8Conf EU speaker interviews:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were 6 new plugins released:

and 7 updated plugins:

  • avatar version 0.6.1. Provides a taglib for displaying avatars
  • cucumber version 0.4.0. Test your Grails apps with Cucumber
  • fitnesse version 2.0.1. Makes it possible to use the popular Open Source testing framework Fitnesse in combination with Grails.
  • jslint version 0.4. Run JsLint on javascript files
  • routing version 1.2.1. Send and route messages to a wide variety of destination endpoints directly from your Controllers and Services using Camel
  • smart-sprites-resources version 0.2. Creates Sprites using SmartSprites as a component of the Resources plugin
  • spring-batch version 0.1.1. Provides the Spring Batch framework and convention based Jobs

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This Week in Grails (2012-15)

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

The process for publishing plugins changed this week. The old Subversion-based repo at is now read-only and plugins now must be published to the new Artifactory-based repository at This means that plugin developers and users will have to make some changes – see this User list thread – but plugin publishing will be a lot faster and far less likely to corrupt the master plugin list. See the updated “Creating Plugins” page for more information.

The first batch of GR8Conf EU speaker interviews has been published:

If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Grails” posts you can access them directly via their category link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.

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There were no new plugins released but 4 updated plugins:

  • extjs4 version 4.1.0-RC.0. Provides Ext JS 4 resources
  • fitnesse version 2.0. Makes it possible to use the popular Open Source testing framework Fitnesse in combination with Grails.
  • regen version 0.3.3. Provides a generation framework and a set of pluggable artefacts under grails-app/generators
  • shiro version 1.1.4. Secure your Grails application quickly and easily using the Apache Shiro security framework

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