This Week in Grails (2012-32)

I got a preview of a very cool new tool at GR8Conf US for running Grails commands in a GUI from a freakishly tall attendee (aka “Tall Dave”). It’s a Griffon app that runs Grails commands in a UI. Check out Dave’s blog post where he describes installing and using the tool and the motivation behind it. The source should be available soon but for now download and run the jar file, and be sure to report feature requests to Dave.

I released some plugin updates this week. The standalone plugin now works with either Tomcat or Jetty. It works with Tomcat by default, but if you pass the --jetty flag to the build-standalone script it will embed Jetty instead. And the cloud-foundry plugin now supports Caldecott tunnels. This feature lets you connect to a remote service (e.g. MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc.) and do queries with local clients.

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Translations of this post:


There was one new plugin released:

  • jsonp version 0.1. Override render method defined for all controller to add parameter callback function name to provide cross domain JSONP RESTful controllers

and 8 updated plugins:

  • cloud-foundry version 1.2.3. Integrates Cloud Foundry’s cloud deployment services to manage the running of Grails applications in the cloud from the command line
  • federated-grails version 0.2.3. Uses Shiro and Shibboleth to integrate into federated authentication
  • google-visualization version 0.5.4. Provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API
  • gwt version 0.7. Incorporates GWT into Grails
  • html5-mobile-scaffolding version 0.2. Scaffolds HTML5 mobile application using jQuery mobile in a single page
  • recaptcha version 0.5.3. Integrates ReCaptcha and Mailhide services
  • standalone version 1.1. Runs a Grails application as a JAR file with an embedded Tomcat server
  • wslite version Integrates the library

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