This Week in Grails (2013-09)

We released Grails 2.1.4 and 2.2.1 this week; they are primarily bug fix releases.

Registration for GR8Conf Europe 2013 is now open. Be sure to sign up soon while the prices are very low.

I’ve been seeing a lot of buzz about Dropwizard as a framework for creating REST services. I thought it would be interesting to integrate it with Grails, but it ended up being a lot more work than I expected since the two approaches are very different, and very opinionated. I have an initial implementation available of a plugin and will add some docs and a sample application soon.

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There was one new plugin released:

and 7 updated plugins:

  • coffeescript-compiler version 0.8.1. Compiles .coffee source files into .js files
  • geasyui version 0.4. Supplies jQuery EasyUI resources and taglibs
  • jquery-validation-ui version 1.4.2. Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript
  • kickstart-with-bootstrap version 0.9.5b. Start your project with a good looking frontend, with adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter Bootstrap
  • localizations version Store i18n strings in a database
  • recaptcha version 0.6.0. Integrates ReCaptcha and Mailhide services
  • redis version 1.3.3. Provides integration with a Redis datastore

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